Wednesday 16 August 2016
Turnitin Assignments
Turnitin is the most popular choice for individual text-based assignments (e.g. Word, PDF and PowerPoint). Turnitin has an online marking and feedback capability which includes a text matching function to help coordinators gauge originality. The text matching report compares submissions with web content, previously submitted assignments and journals. For further information refer to the Turnitin guide.
Professor Pauline Ford discusses her first experience with Turnitin assignments. Watch Video (2:57)
Blackboard group assignments
Using the Groups and Blackboard Assignment tool in combination allows you to set up group project submission links. Any student in the group can submit the assignment and all members automatically receive the assignment results and feedback. The Blackboard online marking function allows you to annotate assignments and provide feedback using a rubric. For more information refer to the Groups and Assignment tool guides.
Dr Bryan Morgan shares his views on the benefits of using the Blackboard assignment tool to mark group assignments. Watch video (2:28)
Video assignments
Kaltura, UQ's eLearning video server can be used by students to submit video assignments. You can also set up submission links using the Blackboard Assignment tool which allows you to use the online marking function to give comments and feedback using a rubric.
For further information refer to the Video and Audio upload and Assignment tool guides.
Dr David MacDonald shares his views on using video assignments to allow students to demonstrate their interview and communication skills.
New Turnitin online marking tool
A new version of the Turnitin marking tool called Turnitin Feedback Studio will now show by default when marking Turnitin assignments. Staff will have the option to swap back to the "classic" version until July 2017. The new version offers all the normal Turnitin functionality, but within a simpler more intuitive interface. Turnitin Feedback Studio is expected to make it faster and easier to promote academic integrity, evaluate student learning and provide feedback.
For further information on using Turnitin Feedback Studio for marking refer to the Turnitin Online Marking guides. To revert back to the classic version of Turnitin for marking refer to the Enabling and Disabling the Feedback Studio guide.
Need help moving to Online Assignments?
Course Coordinators, would you like:
- a one-on-one consultation to help you select an online assignment tool?
- help setting up online assignment submission links.
- a personal tutorial on using online marking and feedback tools?
...then consider the eLearning Solutions Service.
For further information refer to the eLearning Solutions Service webpage
Online marking workshops for tutors
Custom workshops on online marking using Turnitin or the Blackboard assignment tool are available on request. ITS will provide laptops for the session. Course coordinators only need to book a meeting room and organise participants. To organise a workshop for your tutors, email
Support resources for students
Many students experience a wide range of issues which cause stress and can impact negatively upon their learning or quality of life. As UQ teaching staff it is important that you are aware of the services available to students to refer them to expert help and support.
The following key services are available to students to assist them with study related or personal issues:
- UQ Student Services provides services such as counselling, disability, faith, accommodation and help with studying, assignment and exams.
- Student Union SHOC site provides services to assist students with education and equity issues, employment, gender & sexuality, legal, migration and welfare.
- UQ Library provides information and services such as computer access, research skills, software training and 24/7 study spaces.
- If you believe a student is in need of counselling support you may need to encourage them to seek help from Student Services Counselling or you can contact Student Services directly for further advice.