Wednesday 26 October 2016
Online marking workshops for tutors
Custom workshops on online marking using Turnitin or the Blackboard assignment tool are available on request. ITS will provide laptops for the session. Course coordinators only need to book a meeting room and organise participants. To organise a workshop for your tutors, email
Control the release of results
During marking or moderation you may not be ready for students to see their results. To control the release of results from Turnitin, Blackboard Assignments and Tests you need to carefully set both the individual tool settings and the Grade Centre column settings (Hide from Students-on/off). Refer to the Turnitin, Blackboard assignments and Tests guides for step-by-step instructions.
New Turnitin online marking tool
A new version of the Turnitin marking tool called Turnitin Feedback Studio will now show by default when marking Turnitin assignments. Staff will have the option to swap back to the "classic" version until July 2017. The new version offers all the normal Turnitin functionality, but within a simpler more intuitive interface. Turnitin Feedback Studio is expected to make it faster and easier to promote academic integrity, evaluate student learning and provide feedback.
For further information on using Turnitin Feedback Studio for marking refer to the Turnitin Online Marking guides. To revert back to the classic version of Turnitin for marking refer to the Enabling and Disabling the Feedback Studio guide.
Would you like help with online marking?
If you would like a personal tutorial on using online marking and feedback tools consider the eLearning Solutions Service. For further information visit the eLearning Solutions Service webpage.
New Kaltura features
Kaltura is UQ's eLearning video and audio server, allowing staff to upload videos directly into their course sites. Kaltura has recently been upgraded and has a more streamlined interface and some new features. One key new feature is the ability for staff to add quiz questions to their videos, creating interactive video quizzes. For further information refer to the Kaltura and Create a video quiz guides.
Using Padlet for collaborative research
Dr Sebastian Kaempf has shared his experiences using Padlet as an engagement tool in his POLS3512 Global Media, War and Peace class. Prior to their media lab session, students were asked to contribute individually to a Padlet wall. In the session they reengage with the material as a group to complete a collaborative research and analysis task. Watch Video (3:16)