To book a consultation with an eLearning Adviser, go to the eLearning Adviser Consultations Microsoft Bookings Service.

The eLearning Systems and Support team provide eLearning Adviser Consultations service to help course teaching staff and administrative staff implement eLearning solutions for the most common teaching and learning problems, using centrally supported eLearning tools. Advisers differ from the technical helpdesk by having teaching qualifications and strong teaching experience and even PhDs in education, meaning they are the leading pedagogical experts at UQ on using the central elearning tools. Advisers can take more time through one-on-one consults to show UQ teaching staff how to use our tools to achieve pedagogical goals. eLearning Advisers will review the pedagogical goals of teaching staff and advise them on the most appropriate centrally supported tool, and how to configure it, to achieve their desired outcome. 

The service is available from 8:00am to 4:30pm.

How do I start using the eLearning Adviser Consultations?

Academic and professional staff can start using the eLearning Adviser Consultations by booking an appointment via the eLearning Adviser Consultations Microsoft Bookings Service to organise a personal consultation with an eLearning Adviser via Zoom.

Include the following information in the notes section:

    I wish to implement the following (delete the options that are not relevant):

    • In-class active learning tools (UQpoll, UQwordcloud, UQwordstream and PadletUQ only)
    • Turnitin Authorship (to check student's work for potential contract cheating)
    • Collaboration/Reflection tools (Blackboard Discussion Board and Ed Discussion)
    • eLearning refresher (review of course site design and tool usage)
    • ePortfolio (including an ePortfolio configuration service)
    • Grade Centre
    • Group management
    • Group Peer Assessment
    • H5P
    • Inspera Assessment
    • UQ Extend
    • Microsoft Teams
    • Online assignment marking/submission (Turnitin and Blackboard Assignment creation, rubric assistance and marking)
    • Non-submission assessment online marking i.e. Oral presentations, performances and professional skills (Grade Centre column or Turnitin)
    • Online mini lecture (Echo360)
    • Online quizzes/exams
    • Course Insights
    • Video content (Echo360)
    • Virtual classrooms/meetings (Zoom)

    Course code:

    A brief description (4 sentences or dot points only) of my teaching and learning goal:

    What solutions can I implement?

    Course teaching staff can request personal professional development to implement one of the following:

    • Online quiz/test:
      Improve student engagement and feedback, and help them acquire knowledge to apply in an active classroom.
    • In-class active learning tool (UQpoll, UQwordcloud, UQwordstream and PadletUQ):
      Improve student engagement in lectures and gain real time feedback on student's understanding of content presented.
    • Online assignment submission and marking:
      Improve marking efficiency, quality of feedback and turn around time.
    • Grade Centre:
      Improve the recording of your marking for both calculating Final Grades and releasing marks to students.
    • Video assignment (Echo360):
      Video assignments are a great way to assess communication skills.
    • Collaborative / Reflection tool (Discussion board or Blogs):
      Example activities include a reflective learning diary for practicum placements or a project progress log.
    • Online mini lecture (Echo360):
      Move some of your content online to free up class time for active learning activities. i.e. when implementing a Flipped Classroom approach.
    • Video content (Echo360, YouTube mashup):
      Add your own videos to your course site.
    • Group management:
      Create and manage project groups. Set up Discussion Boards and Blogs by tutorial group.
    • ePortfolio for WIL:
      Tracking individual student attainment of (professional standards / competencies / learning objectives, learning outcomes) across courses in a program or discipline. Programs must apply and be accepted by the ePortfolio for WIL steering committee to be involved in the ePortfolio deployment.
    • UQ Extend
      Create interactive online learning experiences using UQ's rendition of EdX.
    • Course Insights:
      Understand the learning analytics tool to track student data across your course.
    • Assessment tools (Inspera, Gradescope, Turnitin)
      Support and advice on setting up, scheduling and marking assessment tasks.

    What is not covered by this service?

    This service is focused on helping course teaching staff implement tools for the first time, but through the full cycle of adoption over a single semester. The service is deliberately limited to eLearning solutions to the most common teaching problems and on fully supported tools. Support for local faculty based tools  may be avaialble from Faculty Educational Designers. Due to resourcing levels, the service cannot always take on new clients, however timely responses will be given to existing clients and initial new service requests. If you are not an ELAC client and need timely support, please log a job with

    What support would I receive?

    Course teaching staff will receive the following individual support from an eLearning adviser:

    • Initial consultation
      Discussion on what your teaching and learning goals are and what tool would be suitable for the planned activity.
    • Tool configuration
      Visiting the staff member's office to assist them in the initial set up of the tool for an activity.
    • General support
      The course teaching staff member will have access to email support with the trainer after the initial consultation. The trainer will check in with the staff member at critical points i.e. Before an online test goes live.
    • Launch support
      On the nominated launch day for the tool, the staff member will have phone access to the trainer to deal with any urgent launch issues.
    • Follow up and handover
      Review and wrap up of implementation, handing over to standard support.

    Is this service available to all UQ teaching staff?

    The service operates on a first come / first serve and aims to accommodate as many staff as possible with the resources available. The service is available to staff at St Lucia, PACE, Herston and Gatton. The eLearning Advisers are located at the St Lucia campus, therefore, visits to Gatton will be scheduled for particular days catering to 3 or more staff members. Individual Gatton staff can also receive support over the phone and with screen sharing (using Zoom).

    How long do I receive eLearning support?

    The service is designed to support staff in the first implementation of a single tool from the list above. Course teaching staff will need to make separate bookings for each tool. 

    What about eLearning professional development workshops?

    This service is designed to complement eLearning professional development workshops available through Workday. Workshops are designed to give staff a general introduction to eLearning tools, this service will help staff configure and implement tools for a specific teaching and learning activity. You can also request a custom workshop for the other teaching staff/tutors in your course. i.e. Online marking workshops for tutors for courses implementing Turnitin are popular.

    How is this service evaluated?

    This service is evaluated based on the results of the eLearning solutions service feedback survey and the change in eLearning tool usage rates over time.