4. Preparation

Install Zoom

Before you run a Zoom meeting, you will need to install the software. For step-by-step instructions, refer to the Installing Zoom guide.

Note: You may already have Zoom installed on your UQ computer.

Note: Students can access Zoom online through their Learn.UQ course, the smartphone app or a provided URL.


  • Headset for high quality audio (recommended)
  • Webcam to share video (optional)
  • Portable document camera for demonstrating hand drawing (optional). 

Tip: Try creating your own document camera. For step-by-step instructions, refer to the How to Make a Document Camera video (YouTube, 3m 50).

Lesson design

  • Moderate, rather than lecture
  • A high degree of interactivity is needed to keep participants engaged (i.e. reactions, in-meeting chat, polling and breakout rooms).
  • Interactions with the host, media and other participants
  • Provide opportunities for questions and input throughout
  • Use a range of media (excluded embedded video)

Preparation tips

  • Have a structured PowerPoint and distribute this to participants beforehand.
  • Set up ‘question slides’ to allocate time for answering participant questions.
  • If possible, have a co-host monitor the chat if you have more than 30 participants (i.e. Tutors if available).
  • Record the meeting for those who may not be able to attend or encounter technical difficulties.
  • Have a “tech run” to give student time to check and sort out technical issues before the first “real” session.
  • Remember, you are not responsible for fixing student technical issues, instead recommend that students:
    • Contact AskUS for technical assistance.
    • Refer to the Zoom student guides.
    • Have their own headset for audio clarity.
    • Watch the recording if they encounter any technical difficulties. 

For more information, refer to the Tips for using Zoom for teaching and Recommended Settings for Using Zoom for Teaching guides.