Get support for your assessments in Inspera (Ultra Student)
Contact AskUs
Contact AskUs for technical support for any issues you experience with your assessment in Inspera.
Access a laptop
You can borrow a laptop from the Library if you do not have a suitable device for your studies or exams. Loans are for 24 hours or for 28 days and stocks are limited.
Additional laptops may be available at exam venues if you experience technical difficulties on exam day.
Diversity, disability and inclusion
If you have a disability, mental health or medical condition, illness, injury or exceptional circumstance, services are available to assist you with your studies, including assessments in Inspera. Students with primary carer responsibilities may also be eligible for services.
Refer to the UQ Diversity, disability and Inclusion page for more information and to make an appointment to meet with a diversity, disability and inclusion adviser.
Alternative exam arrangements
You can apply for alternative exam arrangements (AEAs) if circumstances prevent you from taking your exam at the allocated time or if you need adjustments made to be able to sit your exam. Please see the Alternative exam arrangements page for more information.