Video Assignments (Ultra)
How do I create a video assignment?
Option 1: Submit to Blackboard assignment
You can create a video assignment that allows for both individual and group submissions using the Blackboard assignment tool.
- Create a Blackboard assignment.
- Students submit to the Blackboard assignment and embed their video using the EchoVideo functionality in the text editor.
- Mark the video assignment submissions through Grade Centre.
Individual assignments
For individual video assignments, students simply submit their assignment, which then can be marked through Grade Centre.
Group assignments
For group video assignments, the Blackboard groups and assignment tool can be used in combination so one student, on behalf of the group, submits the assignment which then can be marked through Grade Centre.
Option 2: Share videos through Blackboard Discussion board
If a video assignment requires students to share their videos with the whole cohort or with a group, Blackboard discussion board is recommended to be used for this purpose.
- For individual assignments, add a Forum for video submissions to the course Discussion board.
- For group assignments 1 student submits on beahlf of the group to the Discussion board.
- Each student submits their video.
- Other students criqitue the videos.
Practice video submission
We recommend that staff include a compulsory practice video submission prior to the completion of the final submission. This practice video should be created using the same equipment the student intends to use and be of the same length. The student should complete the video submission using EchoVideo or the ePortfolio and seek any technical assistance from Ask Us!
eLearning Adviser Consultations (via Zoom)
The eLearning Adviser Consultations offers one-on-one consultations to course teaching staff on adopting UQ eLearning technologies.