
Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) is a standard that can be used to connect external learning tools into the Blackboard LMS. Using LTI, students authenticated to a Blackboard course can be given seamless access to an external tool (e.g. discussion board) based on that authentication. This approach makes the connection relatively fast and simple and allows the application to integrate into multiple clients and multiple LMS types (that support LTI) around the world.

LTI and Blackboard

UQ's Blackboard learn.uq.edu.au currently supports LTI 1.0 via standard Blackboard integration. It also supports some of the LTI 2.0 spec via a third party integration called oscelot basic LTI. Integrated systems should be secure ie https only. The infrastructure behind the system should be appropriate for the expected load.

LTI Resouces

Additional LTI information can be found at:

Sample LTI provider code can be found at;

Other useful resources include

  • eLIPSE (UQ Centre for eLearning Innovations and Partnerships in Science and Engineering) who have produce quite a few LTi tools.
  • Community Blackboard, developer community where you can ask questions and find useful articles.

Set up of LTI Integrations

UQ will setup integrations on its testing/staging environments prior to production release.

LTI tools need to be enabled inside the Blackboard LMS by an ITS system administrator. Because LTI tools gain access to private corporate data (incl. student name and email address), and because instructors may depend on these tools, it is important to identify who is taking responsibility for service integrity and policy compliance regarding copyright, privacy and intellectual property. Examples of risks are documented on the external tools page

LTI Integrations requests

To make a request for LTI integration:

  • Identify answers to the questions in the table below. This may entail seeking legal advice for external tools with terms and conditions.
  • Email the completed table to a service owner (Unit director or faculty ADA) asking them to endorse it and forward to help@elearning.uq.edu.au
 For Internaly Hosted Tools
(Hosted by UQ unit)
For Externally Hosted Tools
(Hosted by non UQ entity)

Name of the tool?



Purpose and functions (description)



What is the name of the UQ unit or commercial entity responsible for this LTI tool?



Where is the tool physically hosted?



The domain where the tool will be hosted?



Technical owner: Taking responsibility for designing system to be complaint with all UQ policies and design considerations.


Name. Staff number? Must be a staff member ? why?

Service Owner taking responsibility for the service

Unit director or faculty ADA. Endorsement means taking responsibility for this service and  authorising its use by instructors on the central LMS.

Unit director or faculty ADA. Endorsement means taking the owner has sought formal legal advice on the terms, and considered this advice, and takes responsibility for the management of the service provision.


Which environment will this be connected to?

Production / Staging / Testing

Production / Staging / Testing

Does this tool need the oscelot LTI building block, or the standard LTI building block?



Which of the standard LTI settings are required?



Is a global key and secret to be used for the tool, or will the credentials be on a per link basis?


If a global key and secret is requested, what are the values?


Who is the Sys admin to contact for bugs, and service availability issues?



What are their hours of availability?



Describe arrangements for service continuity?

How many FTE are assigned to maintain and support this tool?

Is there a contract? For what period. Does UQ pay for this service? Does it include support.

Any obligation to provide support?



Who can instructors or students contact for questions and support?



Who provide training? What is the url of the online guides?



Do you want any restrictions on who can use the tool? Who will be allowed to use the tool at UQ – which courses