The eLearning Systems and Support team supports research using learning system data wherever possible. There are a number of data sources available, as listed below. If the data is readily available, the eLearning team will provide it, and if it requires significant effort to generate, we will a quote for your research project budget.

Available data

LMS service data

The eLearning Systems and Support team closely monitor the central eLearning services for performance, availability and capacity management purposes. A range of reports are available covering logins per day or hour, tool use by faculty, and even video plays. A range of public service management reports are available on the Usage Statistics page.

Service management data

The eLearning Systems and Support can generate all of the reports shown on the Usage Statistics page for different date ranges. Through the Echo360 administration console, we can provide data to instructors on which students have viewed each video and when. Turnitin has data analytics on their product development roadmap.

LMS click data

ITS stores logs of ‘click data’ to assist with problem diagnosis. For research purposes, a deidentified version of this data may also be used to investigate student click sequences and usage patterns. 

Requesting data

For a course you teach

Instructors can request any of the data above related to their own course, for the purposes of improving learning. Please email the IT Service Desk requesting ‘eLearning data’ and identifying the course code/s. Describe the data you want (e.g. logins per day between <date> and <date>, or for <this Echo360 video file>, which students watched and when).

For courses you don't teach

Researchers or senior staff (e.g. Heads of School and Associate Deans (Academic)) may request data from courses they are not the instructor for or courses they are responsible for. Researchers should include a copy of the accepted ethics approval application describing how the data will be managed appropriately. Send an email to the IT Service Desk requesting ‘eLearning data‘ with the above information.