Prior to setting up your ePAD / Program instance you will need to ensure you have created your cohort of students first. For further information on creating a cohort, refer to the Create a cohort guide.

1. Create ePAD / Program instance

  1. Login to the MyProgress ePAD page.
  2. Click on Admin
  3. Select Program Instances.
    Steps 2 & 3 circled
  4. Click on the Create ePAD Instances button
    Create ePad instances button circled
  5. Enter the name of your ePAD into the Name textbox. The name of your ePAD should match that of your cohort and follow one of the 2 preferred naming options, they are as follows:
    • Name of program (start year - end year) e.g. Bachelor of Midwifery (2023-2025)
    • Name of program class of end year e.g. MD Class of 2024
  6. Select the required template from the Template drop-down list.
  7. Select the required Cohort from the Group by typing the name of the Cohort into the textbox.
  8. Click on the Create button.
    Steps 5 - 8 circled