After a cohort is created it will remain in place for the duration of that cohort's program of study. If a student takes an interruption of study, changes programs, is incorrectly added to a cohort or needs to repeat a course, then the school staff may need to move the student into another cohort in order for them to continue their program.

Note: If you need to setup a new cohort, refer to the Create a cohort guide.

Important steps to take before adding or removing students from a cohort

Review the student's current ePAD (that is attached to their current cohort) for the following potential issues and resolve them prior to moving the student to a new cohort:

  1. Check to see if the student has recorded any timesheet entries for a current placement, if the student has recorded timesheets against a current placement you will need to take a record of these prior to removing the student from the cohort as they will be removed when the placement is deleted.
  2. Check to see if they have any current placements attached to their ePAD. If there is a current placement attached to their ePAD you must remove the placement prior to changing them into a new cohort otherwise their placements won't load in their new ePAD.
  3. Check to see if there are any future placements attached to the student's ePAD, if so these will also need to be removed prior to removing the student from their current cohort.

Note: You only need to remove current and future placements from a student's ePAD, past placements will be kept on record with the cohort/ePAD you are removing them from.