eLearning Systems and Tools
Microsoft Teams - pilot volunteers needed
In Summer Semester 2020 and Semester 1 2021, Microsoft Teams will be piloted for use in courses with less than 150 students. Teams can be used to facilitate course communication, tutorial group work and project team collaboration. To express your interest in joining the pilot, please email elearningadvisors@uq.edu.au
Publishing Zoom recordings
To ensure students have a seamless viewing experience when watching recorded Zoom sessions, select Record to Cloud when you schedule the session. Once your Zoom session is completed a copy of the cloud recording will be forwarded to your ECHO360 Media Library where it can then be attached to your course. Under no circumstances should you upload a Zoom recording to your Learn.UQ course site as a file. See the guide
Reactions in a Zoom meeting
Did you know that reactions can be used as an active learning tool within Zoom? They can be used to let students express non-verbal feedback to a question posed by their course coordinator. Watch the video guide
Blackboard unavailable on dates to be confirmed during Christmas break
ITaLI and ITS will be enhancing the underlying infrastructure of the Learn.UQ (Blackboard) system to help it cope with unprecedented system loads. While there are unlikely to be any changes in functionality for staff and students, the system will be unavailable on dates to be confirmed between 25 and 31 December 2020. This work was endorsed by the Digital Learning Sub-Committee and Teaching and Learning Committee. Course Insights - Investigate student assessment results
Online exams
Preparing and delivering online exams – new video resources
New video guides have been added to the text-based instructions on configuring different exam formats.
Oral exams via Zoom – new resource
A new guide is available on using Zoom as an alternative to some campus-based assessments. Zoom is suitable for Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCEs), individual presentations, group presentations and thesis reviews/defences.See the guide
ProctorU mock exam for staff
A mock exam with invigilation by ProctorU will run from 5–9 October to provide staff the opportunity to experience an online invigilated exam from the student perspective. Register to participate by 28 September as places are limited. Register
Online teaching and assessment
Course Insights – Investigate student assessment results
Course Insights is UQ's own course-level learning analytics dashboard, available to all course coordinators via Learn.UQ. The Assessment section provides staff with an overview of student assessment results, as well as an in depth analysis of each individual assessment task. See the guide
Record reasons for mark changes
A video explaining how to edit a mark and add a comment in the Learn.UQ (Blackboard) Grade Centre is now available. View the comments in the Grade History at the end-of-semester to confirm validity and check for errors before transferring your grades to SI-net. Watch the video
Video assignments case study
Watch how Angela Bushell (YouTube, 3m 52s) from the Faculty of EAIT uses video assignments to enhance student engagement, improve student learning and save marking time. Example Team Video Presentations ENGG1100 – Engineering Design.
Content creation for equity and diversity
As we move to online teaching, we encourage you to consider UQ’s Equity and Diversity guidelines, information from ITS on web accessibility and ITaLI’s advice on inclusive practice when generating content. See the guide
Featured resources
Academic Integrity Modules (AIM) – encourage students to complete Part B
The Academic Integrity Modules (AIM) are available to students through edX (Edge). If completing Part B is a requirement of your course and/or you have students new to UQ, please encourage students to complete the second part before Week 13. See the Course Insights – Academic Integrity Modules guide to check which students have completed Part A and Part B. See the guide
Teaching Online for Tutors – new course
Teaching Online for Tutors is a new online edX course to complement the Tutors@UQ program. The program prepares tutors for online teaching, using technology to enrich learning. More info
Working with Files – Digital Essentials module
The Working with Files module (part of Digital Essentials) introduces students to file storage, file naming, backing up work and metadata. It is designed to be embedded into courses so students can find the information they need, when they need it. See module
What's on
eLearning training (self-paced)
- Learn.UQ Basics
- Learn.UQ Quizzes, Tests and Exams
- Virtual Classroom (Zoom)
- Desktop Recording (Kaltura Capture)
- Video Assignment
- Turnitin
- edX (Edge)
Webinars and workshops
- Editing educational video | 22 September
- Course Insights drop-in sessions | 23 September, 7 and 14 October
- Course Insights co-design workshops | 24 September and 8 October
- Developing a teaching philosophy | 25 September
- Professional Learning Pathways Summit | 1 October
- ProctorU mock exam | 5 October
- Small group teaching | 9 October
- Lab and prac video making | 9 October
Communities of Practice
- Learning Design Community | 24 September
- Entrepreneurship | 7 October
Teaching and learning support
eLearning support:
For technical advice on central elearning tools, log an eLearning tool support request.
eLearning advisors:
For tailored advice by qualified teachers on using eLearning tools book an appointment (conducted over Zoom)
Learning advisors are available to deliver custom workshops in your school or faculty. Organise a custom eLearning workshop
COVID-19 teaching support:
ITaLI Staff are available to advise on the policies and procedures relating to the teaching response to COVID-19. Please contact itali@uq.edu.au or book a 30-min Zoom consultation.
Learning Designers:
For faculty/school level support, please refer to the list of learning designers in your area.