18. Review and submit

Task to complete


Before submitting, please ensure you have completed the following tasks:

Have you:

  • accessed Inspera staff training one?
  • created a Question Set comprising four sections:
    • Section one: Information 
    • Section two: Australian languages and cultures
    • Section three: Australian National Anthem
    • Section four: Student question
  • shared your question set with Tanya Tabolkina - uqttabol?
  • created an Academic Integrity Pledge not-marked document?
  • created a Text Area question? (Optional)
    • added a marking scheme for the question?
  • created an Essay question?
    • created a rubric for the question? (Optional)
  • created a stimulus panel with a video and text? (Optional)
  • copied 3 questions?
  • added 3 questions from a question bank?
  • created the Assumptions and Querries question?
  • created a Test and applied the required settings?
  • added one-time user to your test?
  • completed your test as a candidate?

If you answer Yes to all of the questions above, go ahead and submit your work.

Best wishes

eLearning System and Support