
CheckboxesDropdownMultiple ChoiceNumerical Input and Text Input problems can be created to include hints and feedback to students as they attempt to complete them. The process to create them is similar to creating the aforementioned problems, however, attention must be made to the coding.

Create a Problem with Hints and Feedback

Note: This example is for Multiple Choice.

Warning: Prior to adding or editing content in your course you will need to access Studio view. Refer to the Change from Student View to Staff Editing (Studio) View guide for further instructions.

  1. In your unit, click on the Problem button.

problem button selected

  1. Click on any Problem that contains "with Hints and Feedback".

problems with hints and feedback selected

  1. Click on Edit.

edit button selected

  1. Delete the first line of text.

template text selected for deletion

  1. Replace the text between the greater-than sign and the double vertical bar with your own question e.g. >>What is the capital city of Australia?||
  2. Replace the text between the double vertical bar and less-than sign with your own hint, tip or note. e.g. ||Consult Page 15 of your textbook.<<

question and tip/note text selected

  1. Enter your answers by replacing the an incorrect answer and the correct answer text with your own answers.
  2. Mark the correct answer with x between the brackets e.g. (x) Canberra.
  3. Optionally, you can add additional answers by clicking on Multiple Choice or manually typing in the required brackets and answers.

Note: Regarding Step 9, click on the required area to add additional answers to your question type.

correct answer entered and selected, other answers are incorrect, optional addition of multiple choice responses selected

  1. Optionally, enter feedback between the curly brackets for each answer. e.g. {{Correct!}}.

Note: Students will see this feedback after submitting their answer.

Note: Feedback does not need to be entered for each answer.

correct feedback selected, with incorrect answer feedback featured

  1. Optionally, enter a hint between the double vertical bars. e.g. ||Look at Page 15 of your textbook||.

Note: Multiple hints can be added.

Note: If more than one hint is added, a different button appears each time the Hint button is selected.

hints selected

  1. To edit the Settings, refer to the required Problem Component guides in the LearnX guide.
  2. Click on the Save button.


  1. To delete the component, click on the bin icon.

bin icon selected

  1. Click on the Yes, delete this component button.

yes delete this component button selected

Completed Question

Note the Hint button is selected (and depending on the total amount of hints), if the student selects the button, a new hint will appear.

Feedback is provided after the student clicks on the Submit button.

completed question with submit and hint buttons selected