H5P content types (Original)
This guide categorises the different H5P content types based on their educational purpose and indicates whether universal design considerations are required by using the following keys:
* Visual universal design considerations required
# Physical universal design considerations required
^ Auditory universal design considerations required
" Speech universal design considerations required
The H5P content types where completion can be tracked through Grade Centre by linking the H5P object and enabling evaluation is indicated by (GC).
Sequence Content & Activities
H5P content types to sequence content and activities:
- Accordion - Create vertically stacked expandable items
- Column - H5P content into a column layout (GC)
- Course Presentation - Create a presentation with interactive slides (GC)
- Interactive Book - Create small courses, books and tests (GC)
- Quiz (Question Set) - Create a sequence of various question types (GC)
Create Rich Content
H5P content types to create rich content:
- Chart - Quickly generate bar and pie charts *
- Collage - Create a collage of multiple images *
- Dialog Cards - Create text-based turning cards *^
- iframe Embedder - Embed from a url or a set of files
- Image Hotspots - Create an image with multiple info hotspots *
- Image Slider - Easily create an Image Slider
- Timeline - Create a timeline of events with multimedia
Test Knowledge Retrieval
H5P content types to test knowledge retrieval:
- Arithmetic Quiz - Create time-based arithmetic quizzes *# (GC)
- Multiple Choice - Create flexible multiple choice questions (GC)
- Single Choice Set - Create questions with one correct answer (GC)
- Summary - Create tasks with a list of statements (GC)
- True/False Question - Create True/False questions (GC)
Test Comprehension
H5P content types to test comprehension:
- Audio - Upload an audio recording ^
- Audio Recorder - Create an audio recording in response to a prompt ^
- Dictation - Create a dictation with instant feedback ^ (GC)
- Guess the Answer - Create an image with a question and answer *
- Mark the Words - Create a task where users highlight words (GC)
- Speak the Words - Answer a question using your voice " (Chrome only) (GC)
Test Analysis
H5P content types to test analysis:
- Documentation Tool - Create a wizard to promote a structured writing processes
- Drag and Drop - Create drag and drop tasks with images *# (GC)
- Drag the Words - Create text-based drag and drop tasks # (GC)
- Fill in the Blanks - Create a task with missing words in a text (GC)
Test Knowledge Utilisation
H5P content types to test knowledge utilisation:
- Branching Scenario - Create dilemmas and self-paced learning
- Essay - Create an essay with instant feedback (GC)
- Interactive Video - Create videos enriched with interactions *^ (GC)
- Virtual Tour (360) - Create 360 environments with interactions *#
Active Learning
- The Chase - H5P equivalent of Kahoot!
- Multipoll - create live polls and show results in real time
- Emoji Cloud - students respond to questions using emojis
- Word cloud - students respond to questions with words and the results are presented as a word cloud.