This guide gives you information on setting up a Turnitin Assignment for the submission of non-text based assignments. i.e. image, audio, excel files.

Note: Turnitin only allows the submission of one file. Turnitin does not allow the submission of group assignments, consider using the Blackboard Assignment tool for group assignments (refer Assignment Tool page).

Note: Similarity reports are not produced for non-text based assignments.

Note: Only image files can be directly annotated with comments when marking, you can add comments to a blank page for other file types. Refer to the Mark Non-Text Assignments guide.

2. Creating the Turnitin assignment submission

  1. Click on the Build Content button.
  2. Select Turnitin from the drop-down list.

turnitin link

  1.  The following screen will be displayed.

assignment settings

  1. Enter the Assignment title in the Title textbox.

Note: This should match the title of the assessment task in the Course Profile.

  1. Enter Assignment instructions in the Instructions textbox, such as "Click on the link above to submit your assignment".

Note: The text displayed is difficult to see (small font and grey) and it is recommend that you create an item with instructions for students regarding assignment submission and links to all relevant documents such as the assignment question and marking scheme (if it is not online).

create turnitin assignment

  1. Enter the Mark the assessment is out of in the Max Grade textbox. Refer to the Marks / Rubrics / Grading form overview guide for information on options. 
  2. Select the Start Date by using the Date Selection Calendar.
  3.  Set the time in the Start Date box manually.

Note: Students are only able to submit assignments after the Start date has passed.

  1. Select the Due Date by using the Date Selection Calendar.
  2. Set the time in the Due Date box manually.

Please refer to UQ Assessment procedure (33-38).

Note: Students are blocked from submitting assignment after the Due date/time unless late assignment submission is enabled.

  1. Select the Feedback Release Date  (when marked assignments and grades are available to students in Turnitin) by using the Date Selection Calendar and set the time in the same box manually.
    Tip: Initially set well after the due date to allow for marking time and to cater for extensions. Set yourself a reminder to change the Feedback Release Date in your calendar for when you think you will have completed the marking.

setting date and time