Echo360 ALP provides information and feedback regarding student engagement and course participation. Instructors can view analytics for all lecture recordings in a course which are broken down into several sections:

  • Course analytics 
  • Student analytics 
  • Engagement scores

Accessing analytics 

  1. Click on the course for which you want to view analytics.
  2. Select the ANALYTICS tab from the menu.

analytics menu item highlighted

Course analytics 

  1. Select Classes from the menu on the Analytics page. 

Note: The term "class" refers to an individual lecture recording (e.g. 8 September 2017, 4pm - 6pm).

classes in menu highlgihted

  1. The graph shows student activity by lecture recording or presentation. 

engagement overall

  1. Data categories available include: 
    • Confusion Flags: number of times students flag content as confusing.
    • Q&A Events: number of questions and responses students post.
    • Slide Deck Views: number of times students view a presentation or slide deck. 
    • Polling Responses: number of student polling responses.
    • Note Events: number of words students write in the form of notes. 
    • Video Views: number of times students have viewed the video.
  2. Hover over a lecture recording or presentation to view all data categories for that content.

hovering on top of class for stats

  1. You can also view the data categories for all lecture recordings and presentations in a table format below the graph.

data categories graph

Engagement score weightings

  1. Select Weighting from the menu on the Analytics page. 
  2. By default, all of the engagement metrics are evenly weighted. You have the following customization options:  
    • Change the default settings by sliding the end of each metric's bar to the right or left to increase or decrease the importance of that metric.
    • Select one of the Presets provided. 
    • Do both by selecting a Preset, then customize it by moving the slider to the right or left as appropriate.

Note: All metrics add up to 100%: The "weight" of each metric is a portion of 100% - meaning if you increase one metric, the rest of the metrics must decrease by a corresponding amount. This is reflected in the percentages shown for each metric to the right of the slider.

  1. Click APPLY to apply these settings to this course. 
  2. Click RESET to return the metrics to their original (or last saved) settings.

engagement weightings

Refer to the Using Weighting to make Engagement Equal to a Single Metric (Echo360) guide for further information.

Engagement scores 

The student engagement score scales student performance based on the weight you establish for each of the analytic metrics.

Note: Engagement scores must be set for each section. All metrics are evenly weighted by default. 

  1. Select Engagement from the menu on the Analytics page. 

engagement from menu selected

  1. By default you will initially view overall engagement information for all classes. 
  2. Select a class from the All Classes drop-down list to filter engagement information for a particular lecture recording or presentation.
  3. You will be be able to view a list of the least engaged students based on your filter choice. 

student engagement stats

  1. You can also view points where students have marked that they are confused based on your filter choice.

confused points

Student analytics 

  1. Select Students from the menu on the Analytics page. 

students tab in menu

  1. You can view student engagement information for all lecture recordings or: 
    • View student information for a particular course using the All Classes drop-down list.
    • Use the search box to find a particular student. 
  2. Click on the Export button to export the current table content as an excel spreadsheet.

student list \

Downloading analytic data 

  1. Select Export & Gradebook from the menu on the Analytics page. 

 export menu

  1. Use the drop-down list to select which metric you want to download to a CSV file.
  2. Click on the START EXPORT JOB button. 

start export job

Note: You can choose multiple report options to download.   

  1. Click the Download link next to each export type to download the file. 

click download

Note: You may have to refresh the page to see the Download link. 

  1. Save your CSV file in an appropriate location. 
  2. Click on the Save button. 

click on save button

  1. Click on the downloadable file to view the spreadsheet.

click on downloadable file

Note: Each time you initiate a new export of that metric, the old file is overwritten by the new one.