Video Guide

Discussion Board - Navigate a discussion board (YouTube, 2m 16s)

Access a Discussion Board

Enter the forum

Forums are used to divide your Discussion board into main topics to make it easier to use and navigate i.e. An assignment questions forum and/or a tutorial readings forum.

  1. Select Discussion Board from the Course Menu.
  2. Click on the required forum link.

Click on the forum link

Enter a thread

Threads are a particular topic within a forum where students can post their response to a question or stimulus. When creating a forum, you set whether students can or cannot create threads.

  1. Click on the required thread link.

view thread

  1. You will then be able to view the posts within the thread.

thread topic

Collect threads

The collect button can be used to view the content of multiple threads and their posts at once.

  1. Check the checkboxes of the threads you want to display OR check the select all checkbox to select all threads.
  2. Click on the Collect button.

collect threads

Collapse or expand posts

Collapse all posts

  1. Click on the Collapse All button.

Collapse all replies

  1. All posts will then be collpased so only the author and post title are visible. 

Expand all posts

  1. Click on the Expand All button.

Expand all replies

  1. All posts will then be expanded so the full posts are visible. 

Collapse individual posts

  1. Hover over the required post and click on the Collapse link.

Collapse individuals replies

Expand individual posts

  1. Hover over the required post and click on the Expand link.

Expand individual replies


The breadcrumbs at the top of the screen can be used to navigate between displaying replies, threads and forums.


Navigate between all threads in a forum

  1. Users can navigate from thread to thread without having to return to the main discussion board forum.
  2. Click on the arrow to go to the next or previous thread or the double arrow will take you to the first or last thread.
  3. This area also shows you the number of posts available and how many posts have been read.

View all threads

  1. Hover over the post date for a particular student to view post details and the total number of views.

Post date

Post date

Using the search and refresh function

  1. Select the Search button to search for the particular Thread or Forum.

Search and Refresh

  1. Specify your search request by using the drop-down and/or date and time options.
  2. Click on the Go button.  

Readings responses

  1. The Refresh button allows you to update the discussion page.