The Homepage channel in a course team is the course team's SharePoint page. It is equivalent to a dashboard LMS. However, we do not use the Homepage in Teams at UQ because we have Learn.UQ (Blackboard) as our LMS for course materials, assessment, etc.

Due to a bug on the Homepage, the course team's SharePoint is not connected automatically. This guide provides instructions on activating the Homepage channel and SharePoint in a course team.

  1. Access your MS Teams app.
  2. Access your course team.
  3. Click on the Homepage channel. 

  1. An error message will be displayed.

  1. Click on the General channel.
  2. Click on the Files tab (to enable the class team's SharePoint). It looks like nothing is happening.

  1. If you wait a bit longer, an error message will be displayed. But you do not need to wait until you see the message.

  1. Click on the Homepage channel.

  1. A Setting things up message is displayed.

  1. The Homepage channel will be ready.

  1. Click on the General channel.
  2. Click on the Files tab.
  3. The folder Class Materials will be available.
    Note: This is a read-only folder for teaching staff to upload files that students can download for their assessment but not edit to the original file.

  1. Click on the Class Materials folder.

  1. Files uploaded to this folder will be read-only.

Please refer to the guide General channel in course team to change the settings of the General channel.