Course Insights - UQ's own course-level learning analytics dashboard - is available to:

  • Instructor (Course Coordinator)
  • Teaching Assistant

Note: If you are a staff member with one of the above roles but are unable to access Course Insights and are presented with a message such as “Course Insights is not currently available in this course” or “Course Insights is not currently available to user”, please log a support job by emailing to request access.

    Roles that can access Course Insights

    The table below details the data fields, analysis granularity and functionality available to the Course Coordinator, Lecturer and Teaching Team Member roles.

    For a faculty or school-based Learning Designers to get access to Course Insights as a Teaching Team Member they can request access to the Learn.UQ course as an instructor/teaching assistant. 

    Course Insights ScreenInstructorTeaching AssistantNotes
    (Program, Tutorial Groups, Language, Gender, Domestic/International and Age Distribution shown as histograms)
    YYNo individual student attributes included.
    Engagement (Time series access to Edge and Blackboard, On-campus/off campus access stacked bar, Advanced Video interaction sortable table and Video Platform comparison)YYNo individual student attributes included.
    Assessment (Histogram of assessment scores from the Blackboard gradebook, Assessment Flow Sankey)YYNo final grades from SiNET included.
    Students (Individual students attributes displayed in a filterable table)YN 
    Demographic attributes (Name, Gender & Domestic/International but excluding Age, Tutorial Groups)YN 
    Enrolment attribute - ProgramYY 
    Enrolment attributes - Repeating Course and Study LoadYN 
    Engagement attributes (Total Blackboard and Edge activity counts, video plays and pauses)YY 
    Assessment (all columns from Blackboard Grade Centre)YYNo final grades from SiNET included.
    Ability to send personalised email to studentsYN 
    Student Profile (Engagement and Assessment charts for each student)YN 
    Ability to apply filters to view comparative multiple series chartsYYOnly available on screens the role can access
    Ability to view filter recommendationsYN 

    Tree structure view of the course materials with % of students that have accessed each course resource

    Ability to view the list of groups of students and their data by clicking on the interactive graphYY 
    Compare bar graphs to the usage of Echo360 and edge platform by studentsYY 
    Ability to check completion status for Academic Integrity ModuleYN 


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    Access Course Insights

    1. Access your Learn.UQ course.
    2. Select Course Insights from the Course Menu.

    Note: If the link does not appear in the Course Menu, ensure Edit Mode is turned on. Refer to the Turn on Edit Mode guide. 

    Tip: If the link is missing or has been accidentally deleted, refer to the Add Course Insights link to the Course Menu section of this guide.

    course insights link

      1. Course Insights will be launched in a new window. To get started, refer to the Getting Started with Course Insights guide. 
      Top of page

      Add Course Insights link to the Course Menu

      If the Course Insights link does not automatically appear in the course menu, you can add a link to the tool manually.

      1. Click on the plus (+) button in the course menu.
      2. Select Tool Link from the dropdown list.

      add tool link

      1. Enter "Course Insights" into the Name textbox.
      2. Select Course Insights from the Type dropdown list. 

      Note: DO NOT check the Available to Users checkbox.

      1. Click on the Submit button.

      add info

      1. Click and drag the double-headed arrow to move the tool link underneath the existing Tips for Staff (Hidden) link.

      drag to top

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