Course Insights - Students section (Original)
The Students section provides a tabular view of all relevant student data and enables filtering so that educators can determine groups/cohorts based on their selected criteria.
Insights to Investigate
Student List
Search for a student
You can search for a particular student by first name, last name or student number.
- Click on the Search button to launch the search bar.
- Enter a student name or number in the search bar to filter the search results below in the table.
View student details
- Click on the down arrow next to any student's name to view the following information, in additional to enrolment information:
- Unique Videos Count: The total number of times that student has played different videos in edX Edge.
- Total Video Plays: The total number of times that student has played videos in edX Edge.
- Total Video Pauses: The total number of times that student has paused videos in edX Edge.
- Blackboard Engagement: The daily activity count calculated for that student in the Blackboard learning platform.
- edX Edge Engagement: The daily activity count calculated for that student in the edX Edge learning platform.
Note: Student engagement is measured as a daily activity count which is based on the student being active in Blackboard or edX Edge (i.e. clicking or watching a video) and activity pattern is calculated per minute (e.g. If a student views 10 different folders in a minute, the activity pattern is recorded as +10).
- Click on the student number or VIEW FULL PROFILE to view the student's full profile in the Student section.
Email students
You can use this feature to email one or more selected students.
- Check the checkbox next to the student or students that you would like to email.
Email students through Outlook
- Click on the COPY EMAIL ADDRESSES button if you would like to copy the email addresses to your clipboard and email students in your preferred email client.
Email students through Course Insights
- Click on the SEND EMAIL button.
- Optionally, select a template from the Select Email Template dropdown list.
- Enter a subject in the Email Subject textbox.
- Select Reply or Noreply from the Reply To dropdown list.
Note: If you select Noreply, the email will be sent from which will not allow students to reply. If you select Reply, the email will be sent from the email address you enter which will allow students to reply.
Note: If you select Reply, you will need to enter the email address you would like the email to be sent from in the textbox.
- Enter your message to students in the textbox.
Tip: Check the Save Template checkbox to save the message as a template for future use. All saved templates will appear in the Select Email Template dropdown list.
- Click on the SEND EMAIL button.
Any emails sent through Course Insights will be recorded and can be viewed by clicking on the Email History button.
Sort columns
You can sort the information in any column as either ascending or descending.
- Click on the column title to sort the column information as ascending.
- Click on the column title again to sort the column information as descending.
Show or hide columns
- Click on the columns button to view all column options.
- Check the checkbox for columns you wish to appear in the table.
- Uncheck the checkbox for columns you wish to disappear from the table.
Enrolment, Engagement, Demographic, Assessment and Contacted toggles
Enrolment, engagement, demographic, assessment and contacted information can be toggled to either show or hide relevant columns in the table.
- Click on the toggle to view relevant columns (e.g. all columns related to enrolment information) in the table.
- Click on the toggle again to hide the columns.
- Access Course Insights
- Course Insights - Academic Integrity module
- Course Insights - Analysis and Interventions
- Course Insights - Assessment section
- Course Insights - Engagement section
- Course Insights - Enrolment section
- Course Insights - Intervention Ideas
- Course Insights - Student section
- Course Insights - Students section
- Course Insights - Upload assessment data from Grade Centre
- Course Insights - Using the Filter
- Getting Started with Course Insights