What is Learn.UQ?

Learn.UQ uses the learning management system, Blackboard. Every undergraduate course (Years 1-5) offered at UQ has a Learn.UQ course for its students. Each Learn.UQ course runs for one semester only (unless requested to be year-long) and is automatically populated with the students enrolled via SI-net into that course. The course coordinator for the course is given the Blackboard role of ‘Instructor’.

Getting started

How do I access my course site?

  1. Go to https://learn.uq.edu.au.
  2. Enter your UQ username and password into the login fields and click on the Login button.  
  3. Select your course name and code in the Courses list.
  4. This will take you directly to your course site.  
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How do I request a course site?

A new Learn.UQ course needs to be created each semester, as each Learn.UQ course is linked to the specific semester’s offering in SI-net, and only the students from that specific semester are enrolled into that Learn.UQ course.

A course will be created automatically once the Course Profile is published (Years 1-5). The course coordinator named in the Course Profile will be enrolled into the course as the Instructor, and will recieve an email letting them know the course has been created with instructions on how to access it.

A Non SI-net Learn.UQ (Blackboard) course can be requested to deliver community or training courses.

To request either SI-net or Non SI-net Learn.UQ and/or UQ Extend course in advance and the content from a previous semester’s course, go to the Institution Page in Learn.UQ, click on Site request forms, and follow the prompts:

request a course site

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Are students automatically enrolled?

Yes, all students are automatically populated into your course site from SI-net overnight. Therefore, please allow up to 24 hours for your students to appear and have access, even after they have appeared in SI-net.

If you require additional student populations (e.g. combining undergraduate and postgraduate cohorts) you will need to submit a Course/Organisation Site Request Form. For step-by-step instructions, refer to the Order SI-net Courses and edX (Edge) Courses guide. 

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Where can I find help learning to use Learn.UQ?

A range of face-to-face and online workshops are offered on Learn.UQ tools and other UQ eLearning tools throughout the year. For a description of workshops, dates, times and information on how to register, visit the eLearning website. It is recommended that you first complete the Learn.UQ Basics face-to-face or online workshop.

The eLearning Adviser Consultations are available to help staff implement eLearning solutions for the most common teaching and learning problems, using centrally supported eLearning tools. 

Self-paced guides, online video tutorials and other help/answers to questions are all available from the Guides page.

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How do I make my Course Available to students?

By default, Learn.UQ courses are not available to students when created. This allows you to prepare your course for the semester before students can view it.

For step-by-step instructions how to make your course available, refer to the Make a Course Available (Ultra) guide.

Please note: It is a UQ Senate requirement that students be able to access their online course material for a minimum of one year from the date the course has finished. Therefore your course(s) should not be made unavailable to students once the semester has finished.

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How do I add content to my Learn.UQ course?

In order to edit the contents of a course, refer to the Course Content guide for step-by-step instructions.

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What is the most effective way to organise my course site?

The Learn.UQ Course Site Design guidelines provide teaching staff advice on how to implement a consistent course site design and structure across all courses. 

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What communication and collaboration tools are available?

Announcements: Announcements can be used to welcome students and notify students about course events, changes, corrections, new course resources, assignment due dates. Visit the Announcements page for further information.

EchoPoll:  EchoPoll is a live polling tool available to UQ staff, allowing them to elevate student engagement in classes and enhance their presentations or training sessions. Visit the EchoPoll page for further information.

PadletUQ: Allows students to post comments and multimedia to an online space. It can be used in lectures to engage students in collaborative activities. Visit the In-class active learning tools page for further information.


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What assessment tools are available?

Turnitin: Turnitin allows students to submit tasks online and has text matching functionality, online marking and peer marking. You can also use this tool to give feedback on assignments that do not require a file submission, such as oral presentations. Visit the Turnitin page for further information.

Blackboard Assignments: The assignment tool allows students to submit tasks online and can be set up for both individual and group submissions. The online marking function allows you to annotate student assignments, provide feedback using a rubric and return marked assignments to students electronically. Visit the Assignments page for further information.

Tests: The Blackboard Test tool allows you to create online quizzes, tests and exams that include both automatically and instructor marked questions. Visit the Tests page for further information.

Gradebook: The Gradebook provides an area within your Learn.UQ course to store student marks. Test marks and marks from all assessment marked online are automatically stored in Gradebook. Visit the Gradebook page for further information.

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What active learning tools are available?

EchoPoll:  EchoPoll is a live polling tool available to UQ staff. This tool is used to collect student responses to a question or a series of questions posed during a lecture/tutorial. Students are able to respond using a laptop or smart device. Visit the EchoPoll page for further information.

PadletUQ: Allows students to post comments and multimedia to an online space. It can be used in lectures to engage students in collaborative activities. Visit the In-class active learning tools page for further information.

H5P: An open source online toolbox of activities that allows staff to create and share interactive content in courses. Visit the H5P page for further information or email elearningadvisers@uq.edu.au to request a license. 

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Are lectures recorded?

Echo360: Teaching spaces across UQ's campuses are fitted with lecture recording equipment and are automatically recorded through Echo360 based on the timetable. Course coordinators are required to make full lecture recordings available to students within about 48 hours of the lecture, and keep them available for the duration of the semester and exam period. The UQ policy on lecture recording is available online. For more information, refer to the Lecture Recordings page. 

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What learning analytics are available?

Course Insights is a learning analytics tool that provides academics with student data to make meaningful interpretations and to positively inform teaching strategies.

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eLearning Adviser Consultations (via Zoom)

The eLearning Adviser Consultations offers one-on-one consultations to course teaching staff on adopting UQ eLearning technologies.

Book an Appointment

Workshop Resources

Learn.UQ Basics

Complete the self-paced online workshop

Register for a workshop (delivered via Zoom)

View the workshop participant guide