Reading Lists, End of Semester Tips and Workshops

23 Nov 2016
eLearning Update, eLearning Systems and Support
Wednesday 23 November 2016

Order your Semester 1 course

You can request your Learn.UQ course for Semester 1 2017 now!

1. Use the online Site Request form located on the Staff tab in Learn.UQ. This form also allows you to request a copy of course content from a previous semester.


2. Publish your Electronic Course Profile (ECP) for a blank course template to be created automatically within 48 hours. For content to be copied, request a 'copy' through the Staff tab mentioned above.

Refer to the Course Request guide for step-by-step instructions.

Course Reading Lists

For your Course Reading Lists to be processed in time for Semester 1, please submit them by Monday 19 December using one of the two options below:
1. Publish your ECP 
2. Email your course reading list to:

Top 7 tips for the end of Semester

Tip 1: Direct upload of MCQ's

Directly upload MCQ test results to the Grade Centre. For step-by-step instructions refer to the guide on MCQ direct upload to Grade Centre.

Tip 2: MCQ marking request

If you are planning to use direct upload, and you weigh marks differently in your test, complete the "special instructions" section (#5) within the Multiple Choice Marking Request form.

Tip 3: Control the release of marks

During marking or moderation you may not be ready for students to see their results. To control the release of results from Turnitin, Blackboard Assignments and Tests you need to carefully set both the individual tool settings and the Grade Centre column settings (Hide from Students on/off). For step-by-step instructions refer to the guides on TurnitinBlackboard assignments and Tests.

Tip 4: Advise students how to access their marks

There are detailed guides available for students on how to view their marks. Please refer students to the View originality report and marks - Turnitin and View and download your results - Blackboard assignments guides for step-by-step instructions.

Tip 5: Turnitin

If you are using Turnitin (not the iPad app) remember it times-out after one hour of inactivity. If you are marking in Turnitin remember to return to the Assignment Inbox regularly to save your progress. If your connection times-out, you will need to re-start Turnitin via your Learn.UQ course.

Tip 6: SI-net merge tool

Coordinators are reminded that there is a SI-net merge tool which allows you to download Grade Centre marks to a spreadsheet in the correct format for upload to SI-net. For step-by-step instructions refer to the guide on Upload grades to SI-net.

Tip 7: Processing Grades - help

If you would like a personal tutorial on transferring marks to SI-net, uploading MCQ spreadsheets to Grade Centre or any other Learn.UQ grade processing activities then email with "ELSS - Nomination" in the subject line.
For further information on the eLearning Solutions Service, visit the eLearning Solutions Service webpage.

Get organised early

To help you get your Learn.UQ course organised before you go on holiday, there are a range of eLearning workshops available in November and December. Alternatively if you would like one to one support from an eLearning Advisor then contact our eLearning Solutions Service.
For further information visit the eLearning Solutions Service webpage.

Known Issue: Students accessing Turnitin Feedback

Students accessing Turnitin Feedback Studio for the first time may experience difficulties accessing assignment feedback from the My Grades link. The current solution is for the student to access the Turnitin Submission link (View/Complete), then click on the View button. Once completed, feedback will be accessible via My Grades normally.

ITaLI TeachAssist

TeachAssist is provided by ITaLI for the UQ community to offer support for their teaching and learning. If you are considering changing your curriculum, its delivery or assessment, evaluating your teaching or perhaps even educational research then get in contact through the ITaLI TeachAssist website. Assistance is available on a range of pedagogical, teaching professional development, evaluations, learning analytics and online learning development activities.

Feature Videos

Video case study

Kaltura is UQ's video (and audio) server and can be used by students to submit video assignments.
Dr David MacDonald shares his views on using video assignments to allow students to demonstrate their interview and communication skills. Watch Video (4:28)

Useful Links

eLearning Custom Workshops

Custom workshops on centrally supported eLearning tools are available on request for faculties / schools / courses.

To organise a workshop for your teaching staff, tutors or professional staff email

eLearning Solutions Service

Personal support is available for implementing centrally supported eLearning tools.

To access the service email with "ELSS - Nomination" in the subject line.

A-Z Guides eLearning Tools

A list of all centrally supported eLearning tools with associated guides are available to view and download.

Access the list of A-Z guides by clicking on this link: eLearning A-Z Guides

Flipped Classroom

If you are considering implementing the flipped classroom model at UQ, visit the Flipped Classroom website.

Video for Teaching and Learning

Helpful video production resources and advice are available on the Video for Teaching and Learning website.



