Getting started - Semester 1 2015

23 Feb 2015
eLearning Update, eLearning Systems and Support
23 February 2015

Make your course available to students

Remember to make your course available to students as soon as your think it’s ready. This is something the course coordinator has to do, following the instructions below. Most students start looking for their courses in Learn.UQ during O-Week (now). 

Control Panel > Customisation > Properties > Set Availability and select the Yes radio button. Refer to the Course Availability guide or video for step-by-step instructions.

Not finished setting up your course? Just hide the menu links and create an announcement to welcome your students.

You can still request your Semester 1 Course

Order your Semester 1 course now! Complete the Course Request online form located on the Staff tab in Blackboard.

Visit the Course Request page for further information.

Getting started with Learn.UQ 

The Getting started with Learn.UQ guide gives new staff information about ordering a course, adding content to their course, UQ eLearning tools and help available. It is also recommended that new staff attend the Learn.UQ Basics workshop.

Lecture recordings

All centrally controlled teaching spaces with 20 seats or more are equipped with lecture recording (Echo360).  Lectures in equipped venues are automatically recorded, processed and linked to the associated Learn.UQ course. 

The lecture recording policy and procedure requires course coordinators to make full lecture recordings available to students within about 48 hours of the lecture, and to keep them available for the duration of the Semester and exam period. For more information refer to the lecture recording and theatre operation guides.

View the Questions about: Lecture recordings paper for an overview of research regarding the use of lecture recordings.

UQ Browser Test tool

The UQ Browser Test tool indicates whether your browser is compatible with Learn.UQ, and if it is configured correctly to use common tools. The Browser Test Tool can be found at the bottom of the Learn.UQ Welcome Page.

Learn.UQ Basics workshop

This course is an introduction to Learn.UQ, UQ's eLearning management system, and will familiarise participants with the commonly-used functions. Participants will learn how to add course materials, upload videos, manage course files, add announcements, manage users and use discussion boards. Register for the 24 February workshop on the Staff Development site.

Learn.UQ Retention Centre workshop 

This course will give you an overview of the Retention Centre tool that allows you to check on student progress within your course. Students' engagement and participation are visually displayed to quickly alert you to any students who may be at risk. Register for the 25 February workshop on the Staff Development site.
