Change to course requests and ePortfolio available across UQ

16 May 2017
eLearning Update, eLearning Systems and Support
Tuesday 16 May 2017

Change to course requests 

In response to feedback from coordinators, there will be a change in the way Grade Centre is created for Semester 2 courses. Columns from the previous semester will no longer be copied. This approach will solve the issue of undeletable orphaned columns. While Tests and questions will be copied forward to the new courses, coordinators will need to recreate the required link and update the settings. Refer to the Deploy a test guide for step-by-step instructions. 

Staff can still request that Grade Centre columns be copied by adding this information to the Other Requirements field in the Course Request form.

ePortfolio available across UQ

The new UQ ePortfolio system has recently been made available to programs across all faculties. The new ePortfolio system has already been adopted in HABS, HASS and Medicine. The system helps collect student evidence of learning and reflection, with tools for tracking student progress across their program. The project team is currently engaging with courses and programs interested in using the ePortfolio from the start of Semester 1, 2018.

For further information refer to the ePortfolio webpage. If you are interested in the UQ ePortfolio you can book a meeting with the project team to discuss how it might be used in your program by completing the Request to Meet form.

View test results and statistics

Test results are automatically transferred to Grade Centre. Coordinators are able to view individual student responses and results. The item analysis function can be used to obtain statistics on overall test performance. The test log function provides information on the time each student spent on completing individual questions and the overall test.

Refer to the View test resultsAccess test log and Run test analysis guides for step-by-step instructions. If you would like a personal tutorial on Tests email with "ELSS - Nomination" in the subject line.
For more information on the eLearning Solutions Service, visit the eLearning Solutions Service webpage.

Group peer assessment tool

The Learn.UQ Group Peer Assessment tool can be used to allow students to evaluate individual contributions of group members to a group project. The tool allows you to set evaluation criteria using Likert questions and also optionally require students to justify their evaluation with a comment. For additional information refer to the Group Peer Assessment tool page. 

New Digital Librarian in Residence program

A new “Digital Librarian in Residence” program has been launched in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) Faculty.  A Digital Librarian resides in the faculty for three months engaging with Digital Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS) researchers by conducting a research project on digital literacy. 

For further information, please contact: Dr Gillian Hallam (Manager, Information and Digital Literacy-UQ Library).

Coordinating courses at UQ workshop

This workshop is aimed at experienced academics with some degree of responsibility for managing large teaching teams or large classes or core units in programs and will assist you in fulfilling your responsibilities as a course coordinator and includes input from seasoned course coordinators. To register for the 18 May workshop visit the Staff Development website.

eLearning Solutions Service - ELSS

The eLearning Solutions Service offers one-on-one consultations on the integration of eLearning into courses. At the start of each semester, staff can nominate to use this service to help implement a centrally supported eLearning tool. Support will be provided for the duration of the semester. To make a nomination please follow the steps on the eLearning Solutions Service website.

As part of the eLearning Solutions Service, you can:

  • receive one-on-one consultations tailoring eLearning solutions for your course;
  • receive ideas on how to deliver your course more effectively with technology;
  • save time, improve student engagement and give better feedback to your students;

Email with "ELSS - nomination" in the subject line. An eLearning advisor will make contact with you to arrange an initial consultation. All advisers have teaching qualifications. 

ITaLI TeachAssist

TeachAssist is provided by ITaLI for the UQ community to offer support for their teaching and learning. If you are considering changing your curriculum, its delivery or assessment, evaluating your teaching or perhaps even educational research then get in contact through the ITaLI TeachAssist website. Assistance is available on a range of pedagogical, teaching professional development, evaluations, learning analytics and online learning development activities.

Learn.UQ upgrade

The next Blackboard upgrade will be on Monday 10 July and Tuesday 11 July, during the Inter-Semester Recess - the week before Mid-Year Orientation Week. Please make a note of these dates in your calendar. This week presents the lowest impact on live teaching activity.

Feature Videos

Turnitin comment banks

The Turnitin online marking tool allows you to save frequently used comments.
Watch the video case study to find out how Dr Judith Seaboyer uses Turnitin comment banks to efficiently give students quality feedback. Watch Video (2.26mins)

MCQ direct upload

The video below steps you through how to upload paper based MCQ test results to Grade Centre using the provided results spreadsheet. Watch video (8:12 mins)

Useful Links

eLearning Custom Workshops

Custom workshops on centrally supported eLearning tools are available on request for faculties / schools / courses.

To organise a workshop for your teaching staff, tutors or professional staff email

eLearning Solutions Service

Personal support is available for implementing centrally supported eLearning tools.

To access the service email with "ELSS - Nomination" in the subject line.

A-Z Guides eLearning Tools

A list of all centrally supported eLearning tools with associated guides are available to view and download.

Access the list of A-Z guides by clicking on this link: eLearning A-Z Guides

Flipped Classroom

If you are considering implementing the flipped classroom model at UQ, visit the Flipped Classroom website.

Video for Teaching and Learning

Helpful video production resources and advice are available on the Video for Teaching and Learning website.

