
The Enrolment section has been designed to provide course coordinators and teaching staff with a current overview of the students in their course. Data is taken from SI-net and is updated daily.

Insights to Investigate

Course Overview

This section reveals the following demographic information (filtered and unfiltered) about the student group:

  • Students: Number of students enrolled in the course.
  • International: Number and percentage of international students.
  • Non English: Number and percentage of students who come from a non-English speaking background.
  • Repeating: Number and percentage of students repeating the course.

Enrolment demographics circled

If a filter has been applied, information about that filtered group will appear below the information about all students in the course.

Filter group circled

Distribution of Students

Below the course overview, there are three graphs which display the distribution of students by:

  • Age
  • Language Spoken at Home
  • Program

Note: Chinese, nec refers to the language being not elsewhere classified. For example, a student may have identified that they speak Chinese, instead of identifying as speaking Mandarin or Cantonese. 

  1. Hover your mouse over a particular age group to view a more detailed breakdown.

age group circled

  1. If a filter has been applied, information about that filtered age group will appear in addition to the information about all students in the course.

filter text appears circle