Course Insights Screen | Instructor | Teaching Assistant | Notes |
Enrolment (Program, Tutorial Groups, Language, Gender, Domestic/International and Age Distribution shown as histograms) | Y | Y | No individual student attributes included. |
Engagement (Time series access to Edge and Blackboard, On-campus/off campus access stacked bar, Advanced Video interaction sortable table and Video Platform comparison) | Y | Y | No individual student attributes included. |
Assessment (Histogram of assessment scores from the Blackboard gradebook, Assessment Flow Sankey) | Y | Y | No final grades from SiNET included. |
Students (Individual students attributes displayed in a filterable table) | Y | N | |
Demographic attributes (Name, Gender & Domestic/International but excluding Age, Tutorial Groups) | Y | N | |
Enrolment attribute - Program | Y | Y | |
Enrolment attributes - Repeating Course and Study Load | Y | N | |
Engagement attributes (Total Blackboard and Edge activity counts, video plays and pauses) | Y | Y | |
Assessment (all columns from Blackboard Grade Centre) | Y | Y | No final grades from SiNET included. |
Ability to send personalised email to students | Y | N | |
Student Profile (Engagement and Assessment charts for each student) | Y | N | |
Ability to apply filters to view comparative multiple series charts | Y | Y | Only available on screens the role can access |
Ability to view filter recommendations | Y | N | |
Tree structure view of the course materials with % of students that have accessed each course resource | Y | Y | |
Ability to view the list of groups of students and their data by clicking on the interactive graph | Y | Y | |
Compare bar graphs to the usage of Echo360 and edge platform by students | Y | Y | |
Ability to check completion status for Academic Integrity Module | Y | N | |