1. Navigate to a suitable location in the PowerPoint presentation.
  2. Click on the Add New button.
  3. Select the Word Cloud option from the drop-down list.

  1. Enter the question text.
  2. Apply the required settings in the Question Options.
    Note: Refer to the Question Options guide for more information.

Note: The slide is adjustable.

  1. If required to indicate the correct answer, select the relevant settings:
  • Indicate correct answer
  • Require all correct
  • Enter the correct keywords
  • Case sensitive
  1. Optionally, you can choose to convert the responses into a Short Answer type.

  1. Preview the question.
  2. Hit enter on your keyboard. The result will be displayed. 
    Note: The display of results depends on the Question Options (settings) that you select.

Note: Each participant can provide 1 response for this question type. EchoPoll roadmap will allow multiple responses per participant.