Staff work on student accounts, Online marking workshops for tutors and Lecture recordings

22 Mar 2016
eLearning Update, eLearning Systems and Support
22 March 2016

Engaging students with in-class active learning tools

In this video Dr Tammy Smith discusses how she uses Padlet to engage with remote students. This was done in conjunction with Echo live streaming where lectures were streamed to students in remote campuses. Padlet allowed students to communicate with the lecturer by asking questions and addressing technical issues. Tammy shares her views on the benefits of using Padlet. Watch Video (1:23)

For more information on UQ Active Learn suite refer to the In-class active learning tools guide. 

Staff work on student accounts

Student accounts should not be assigned any kind of staff level access within SI-net courses. If a student is employed as a tutor their staff account must be enrolled for work inside Learn.UQ. Users in official SI-net courses will be contacted as required by ITS to organise correct access. 

Online marking workshops for tutors

ITS provides online marking workshops (Turnitin and Blackboard assignments) for tutors on request from course coordinators. Laptops are provided for the session and course coordinators only need to book a meeting room. Contact with details of the preferred date, time, room booking and approximate numbers.

Date Management tool

The date management tool allows course coordinators to change due dates and availability settings for a range of other tools on a single page. You can easily reuse tests, Blackboard assignments, blogs, wikis and discussions boards copied from previous semesters.

For further information refer to the Date Management guide.

Reusing assessment items

Turnitin assignments, Blackboard assignments and Tests copied into your current course from a previous semester are now reused by default, unless deleted. It is therefore very important to adjust settings for due dates and the link availability. If you don't wish to reuse an assessment item, you will need to delete it individually, so the column is removed from the Grade Centre.

For further information refer to the online guides:  Reuse Blackboard Assignments and Reuse Test.

Lecture recordings

All centrally controlled teaching spaces with 20 seats or more are equipped with lecture recording (Echo360).  Lectures in equipped venues are automatically recorded, processed and linked to the associated Learn.UQ (Blackboard) course. Refer to the following for further information: 

Learn.UQ upgrade - 11/12 July

In 2016 the Blackboard upgrade will occur on Monday 11 July and Tuesday 12 July, during the main university vacation week and before Semester 2 orientation begins.


