ResponseWare and Learn.UQ upgrade

9 Jun 2015
eLearning Update, eLearning Systems and Support
09 June 2015

In-class active learning tool - ResponseWare

TurningPoint ResponseWare, a virtual clickers solution, can be used in lectures and tutorials to facilitate active learning. The system allows staff to include a variety of interactive question types in their lectures including multiple choice, multiple response and short answer questions. Students can respond to questions with any web-enabled device including smartphones, tablets and laptops.
Register for the 16 June or 20 July workshop on the Staff Development site or nominate for the eLearning Solutions Service to receive individual help to implement this tool.

Inter Semester Recess Upgrade Date

The next Blackboard upgrade will occur on the first weekend in July 2015. This will be during the Inter Semester Recess on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 July.  Please note that during this outage Echo services will not be available.  ITS will provide further details though emails, our upgrade webpage, and the ITS eLearning update.

Engaging with ResponseWare

Students in Dr Robertson-Dean's course were able to engage with her lecture content material using ResponseWare.  Melanie shares her view on the benefits of using ResponseWare. For further information refer to the ResponseWare guide.

Echo Streaming Volunteers

Live streaming allows students to watch a lecture live from home or another campus using a web-enabled device. Just like an Echo360 recording, students can view what is displayed on the lecture screen and listen to audio. If you are interested in using the system in your class in Semester 2, log a job with ITS Service Desk using the subject line: AV Services Echo360 live streaming.

New instructional video guides - How to use your Discussion Board

New instructional videos are now available that provide step-by-step instructions on how to use and implement a Discussion Board for your course. A Discussion Board can be used for short question and answer style collaboration between students. The videos can be accessed on the Discussion Board tool page. 

Transferring Marks to SI-net

Coordinators are reminded that there is a SI-net merge tool which allows you to download Grade Centre marks to a spreadsheet in the correct format for upload to SI-net.  Refer to the SI-net merge tool guide for step-by-step instructions.

eLearning Solutions Service

Course Coordinators, would you like:

  • a one-on-one consultation tailoring eLearning solutions for your course?
  • ideas on how to deliver your course more effectively with technology?
  • to save time, improve student engagement, or give better feedback?

         ...then consider the eLearning Solutions Service

The eLearning solutions service is designed to help staff implement the UQ eLearning tools that most successfully solve common teaching and learning problems.  The solutions are based on success stories from UQ academics, who reported significant time savings, improved student engagement, and improved SECATS.

For further information refer to the eLearning Solutions Service webpage.

Flipped Classroom Workshop

Thinking about flipping your course? The Flipped Classroom is a student centred method that explores ways to increase active learning and engagement which some educators claim can result in significant gains in learning. If you are interested to know more register for the Friday 19 June, Flipped Classroom workshop on the Staff Development site.
