In-class Active Learning Tools, eLearning Solutions Service, Workshops with ITaLI

24 Jun 2015
eLearning Update, eLearning Systems and Support
24 June 2015

In-class active learning tools

In-class active learning tools can be used to engage students and promote deeper understanding in lectures and tutorials.  All of the tools below allow students to respond to questions in-class on their phone, tablet or laptop. Nominate for the eLearning Solutions Service to received individual help to implement the tools below:


Wordcloud allows teaching staff to pose short answer questions in class with students being able to enter responses of up to 25 characters. The answers are then collated and displayed at the front of the class as a 'word cloud' for discussion.

Refer to the Getting started with Wordcloud guide for step-by-step instructions. 


UQpoll allows teaching staff to pose multiple choice questions in class in their PowerPoint presentation, or on the board, or verbally” – ask the others. Students choose an option via a webpage. Students vote for the option via a webpage. The answers are then displayed in the front of the class as a graph.

Refer to the Getting started with UQpoll guide for step-by-step instructions.


Padlet allows students to submit free text responses to an instructor's questions on a 'virtual wall' (webpage).  The instructor can then select particular answers for discussion.

Refer to the Getting started with Padlet guide for step-by-step instructions. View Dr Cristyn Meath's video where she shares her views of the benefits of using Padlet.

'Talk to' allows students to submit free text responses to an instructor's questions that are displayed in a 'Twitter' like feed. This tool does not require students or staff to setup accounts.

Refer to the Getting started with guide for step-by-step instructions.


ActivePrompt allows teaching staff to upload image based questions to a website. Students can then indicate their answer to a question by moving a 'red dot' to the position on the image. The answers from all students are displayed visually on the image.

Refer to the Getting started with ActivePrompt guide for step-by-step instructions.


ResponseWare is a fully featured student response system that allows teaching staff to include a variety of interactive question types in their lectures including multiple choice, multiple response, numeric and short answer questions. Results are displayed with the question in a PowerPoint slide.

Refer to the Getting started with ResponseWare guide for step-by-step instructions. To register for the 20 July workshop visit Staff Development website.

Transferring marks to SI-net

Coordinators are reminded that there is a SI-net merge tool which allows you to download Grade Centre marks to a spreadsheet in the correct format for upload to SI-net. Refer to the SI-net merge tool guide for step-by-step instructions.

Designing online quizzes workshop with ITaLI

Online quizzes can be efficient and engaging learning activities. Designing quiz questions that push your students to demonstrate and engage in higher order thinking is a difficult challenge.

This workshop will explore ways of using online quizzes and questions to challenge students and promote deep approaches to learning.  We will discuss when quizzes can be most effective and explore what types of questions can be most effective in different situations

To register for the 21 July workshop visit the Staff Development website.

Digital rubric design workshop with ITaLI

Explore a range of approaches to using rubrics to support marking and feedback using UQ's digital systems. Setting clear and well understood standards is the basis for fair assessment at UQ.

Criteria and assessment tables (rubrics) can be an effective way to support students' and other stakeholders' understanding of the expected standards and assessment performance against these standards.

Marking with rubrics can be more efficient and consistent with well designed rubrics, this course will provide guidance to making your marking load more efficient through the use of electronic rubrics and explore ways to provide more timely and effective feedback for students.

To register for the 23 July workshop visit the Staff Development website.

Proposed Learn.UQ upgrade date 2016

Teaching and Learning Support is seeking feedback on 2016 Blackboard upgrade date options.  Preliminary research indicates that the week starting Monday 11 July would have the lowest impact on teaching activity.  This is a university vacation week - the week before semester 2 orientation begins.  The upgrade requires a 48 hour Blackboard outage.  Feedback is sought from the UQ community regarding the impact of Monday 11 July and Tuesday 12 July.  Please contact Elizabeth Wardrop by emailing

eLearning Solutions Service

Course Coordinators, would you like:

  • a one-on-one consultation tailoring eLearning solutions for your course?
  • ideas on how to deliver your course more effectively with technology?
  • to save time, improve student engagement, or give better feedback?

         ...then consider the eLearning Solutions Service

The eLearning solutions service is designed to help staff implement the UQ eLearning tools that most successfully solve common teaching and learning problems.  The solutions are based on success stories from UQ academics, who reported significant time savings, improved student engagement, and improved SECATS.

For further information refer to the eLearning Solutions Service webpage.

Blackboard Upgrade

The Blackboard upgrade is two weeks away, scheduled to occur during the inter-semester break, on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 July.  This is the first weekend of the recess.  Blackboard and Echo will both be unavailable over that weekend, with service restored for Monday 6 July.  For more information about the upgrade, please visit the Blackboard Upgrade 2015 webpage.
