Learn.UQ upgrade, New lecture recording policy, UQ active learn suite

6 Jul 2016
eLearning Update, eLearning Systems and Support
Wednesday 06 July 2016

Learn.UQ upgrade

Learn.UQ (Blackboard) will undergo an upgrade and maintenance next week. Blackboard will be unavailable starting 5:00am on Monday 11 July and remain so throughout Tuesday 12 July. The upgrade is occurring during the university vacation week in the inter-semester recess – before Semester 2 orientation week. For more information about the scheduled outage, including how to preview the new version, please visit the upgrade information webpage or contact the eLearning support desk. Staff and students will be unable to access Blackboard during this time.

UQ Active Learn suite - UQpoll, UQwordcloud, UQwordstream

UQ Active Learn is a suite comprising of three applications: UQpoll, UQwordcloud, UQwordstream. These applications are used to collect student responses to a question or a series of questions posed during a lecture/tutorial. Students are able to respond with their student login and a web enabled device (PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android device or other smart phones).

All UQ staff are automatically allocated an Active Learn ID and can access these applications using their UQ staff username and password.

For more information on UQ Active Learn suite refer to the In-class active learning tools guide. To receive individual help implementing one of the applications within the UQ Active Learn suite you may nominate for the eLearning Solutions Service

Student engagement in large cohorts

Associate Professor Sarah Percy has shared her experience using UQwordcloud to engage nearly 400 of her first year students in POLS1201 Introduction to International Relations. Sarah has described her approach of using standard in-class Q&As to elicit student understanding and to engage students. Sarah endorses the way that active learning applications such as UQwordcloud give students the opportunity to provide responses in-class using technology without having to worry about speaking up in front of peers in large classes. Watch Video (4:47)

New lecture recording policy

In April 2016 the University introduced a new lecture recording policy and procedure requiring course coordinators to make full lecture recordings available to students within about 48 hours of the lecture, and keep them available for the duration of the semester and exam period. Following this period, policy 6.40.06 requires that “eLearning course resources and material held on the centrally supported eLearning system including lecture recordings will be maintained online in the Learning Management System, for the convenience of the student, for a minimum of 12 months from the course completion date" unless the Dean has given  permission for exemption from recording under set circumstances. The Dean's permission should be visible to the student in the ECP before the start of semester.

Library reading lists

If you have not yet emailed your course resources list for Semester 2 to the Library, or your Electronic Course Profile (ECP) is not yet published, please email your list to the Library as soon as possible. Please advise if your resources are required, recommended or for further reading. Lists can be emailed to learningresources@library.uq.edu.au or contact your Librarian for further information. Reading lists received in July may not be processed in time for the beginning of semester.

Changes to UQ Library Search

The UQ Library has recently upgraded its library systems and UQ Library Search, refer to: UQ Library Search features and features for Catalogue users. Course coordinators are advised that the Library will automatically update your course readings lists if you have asked the Library to manage them. If you have linked to library resources manually, you will need to update the links in your Learn.UQ course site. Refer to general search help or contact your librarian for assistance.

Order your Semester 2 course

You can request your Learn.UQ course for Semester 2, 2016 now!

1. Use the online Site Request form located on the Staff tab in Blackboard. This form also allows you to request a copy of course content from a previous semester.


2. Wait for your year 1 to 5 course to be created automatically after you publish your Electronic Course Profile (ECP). In this case, a blank template will be applied to the course and a 'copy' can be requested through the Staff tab mentioned above.

Refer to the Course Request guide for step-by-step instructions.

Group peer assessment tool workshop

The Group Peer Assessment tool can be used to allow students to evaluate individual contributions of group members to a group project. This workshop will explore how this tool could be used combined with other strategies to improve group projects. Participants will be guided through the process of creating a Group Peer Assessment, submitting feedback as a student, moderating student feedback and sending results back to Grade Centre. Register for the 14 July workshop on the Staff Development/ Teaching and Learning Technologies website.

Digital recording studio

A new self-serve digital recording studio is now available in Duhig Tower Building (#2), room D402. The studio includes a suite of lecture recording equipment and applications including: Echo360 PCAP, iSpring and Kaltura. You can use the studio to pre-record lectures, presentations, tutorials and demonstrations for your classes.  
For information on how to use the room and make a booking refer to the Digital recording studio webpage. You may also nominate for the eLearning Solutions Service to receive personal instruction on how to use the digital recording studio.

Applications open for 2016 Teaching Innovation Grants

Would you like to be funded up to $200,000 for your student experience initiative? The Teaching Innovation Grants (TIG) scheme supports staff to investigate, develop and/or implement initiatives in teaching and learning that enhance the student experience. TIG projects should be aligned to UQ’s institutional priorities, identified during the UQ Student Strategy consultation and general higher education priorities. Application guidelines are available on the TIG website. Applications close Friday 15 July.

