This guide describes how to insert media using the Learn.UQ text editor.

Insert EchoVideo media

EchoVideo content includes videos and audio, recording a video from a webcam or recording a screencast with optional video and audio.

  1. Click on the Add content button on the text editor.

Note: If the button is not visible, click the 3 dots button on the right of the editor to expand the text editor.

Add content button and 3 dots circled

  1.  Select the EchoVideo Deep Linking Tool.

Select EchoVideo Deep Linking Tool

For instructions and tips on recording your videos, please refer to the Record video or audio though EchoVideo guide. 

  1. Click on the Upload Media link.

Note: Only complete this step if your video has not already been uploaded to your EchoVideo library.

upload media

  1. Click on Select Files to Upload (or use one of the other options).

Select Files to Upload

  1. Navigate to and select the required video file.
  2. Click on the Upload button.

Upload button

Tip: For further information about how long files can take to upload, refer to the Upload speeds guide.

  1. Click on the Close button.
  2. Click on the Launch Media Picker link.

launch media picker

  1. Select the required video and click on the Next button.

Next button

  1. Click on the Embed button.

embed button

  1. The video will appear in the textbox. Click on the Submit button.

Click on submit

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Insert a YouTube video

Embed a video video

To insert YouTube videos on campus, you need to be signed into the UQ Internet Management System.

  1. Click on the Add content button on the text editor.

Note: If the button is not visible, click the 3 dots button on the right of the editor to expand the text editor.

Add content button and 3 dots circled

  1. Select YouTube Video from the pop-up window. 

YouTube video circled.

Search for video

  1. Enter the keywords you want to search for into the Search textbox.
  2. Click the Go button.

Search textbox circled

  1. Search results will be displayed.
  2. Click the Select button to choose the desired video.

Select button circled

Add YouTube content to the course

  1. Edit the title in the Name textbox if needed.

Name textbox circled

Mash-up options

  1. Select a view from the View drop-down menu:
    • Thumbnail – click on a small image to open the video.
    • Text link with player – click on this link to open the video.
    • Embed video – a full-size video link is inserted into the page.

Note: The owner of the YouTube video can select to not allow the video to be embedded. It is recommended that you use the Thumbnail option.

  1. Select the Yes radio button for the setting Show YouTube URL.
  2. Select the Yes radio button for the setting Show YouTube information.

Tip: Best practice is to include as much information as possible about the video.

View drop-down list and yes radio buttons circled.

  1. Click on the Submit button.

The video will be displayed in the text editor.

YouTube video displayed in text editor

Preview your link

  1. Click the Preview button (an eye icon) in the text editor to test your YouTube video.

Preview button circled

  1. Click on the Submit button. when finished.
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