The eLearning Systems and Support team is responsible for delivering the following services:
- Management of Central eLearning systems - overall service, configuration, policy, support, vendor management, upgrades.
- Provision of eLearning Support for UQ staff
- Provision of professional development workshops and resources to support teaching staff implement Technology Enhanced Learning in their courses using the University's eLearning systems.
- Operational reporting to the DVC(A), the eLearning Operational Forum and the Digital Learning Sub Committee - which in turn reports to the Teaching and Learning Committee
- Chairing the eLearning Operational Forum. This forum brings the various eLearning service providers together for the purposed of coordinating support activities. Members include ITS, Library, the Faculties and ITaLI
- Addressing requests for new eLearning technologies (investigations, evaluations, pilots, acquisitions, deployments)
The eLearning Systems and Support team attends the University’s Digital Learning Sub Committee reporting to Teaching and Learning Committee which develops eLearning strategy and provides oversight.
Faculties and schools and elearning support units including ITaLI, ITS and Library attend the Elearning Operational Forum to work collaboratively and methodically to investigate options and develop proposals to create service enhancements, in response to these priorities.
See our engagement model for new eLearning service requests.