Feedback studio allows you to use bubble comments which shows when the student hovers over the icon. Also refer to the Text Comments guide.

Video Guide

Create text, bubble and QuickMark comments (YouTube, 3m 33s)

Add a bubble comment

  1. Access the required student’s assignment in Feedback studio.
  2. Click anywhere on the page.
  3. Click on the Bubble comment button. 

click on the bubble comment

  1. Enter the required comment.
  2. Click out of the bubble comment anywhere on the paper and your comment will be saved. 

click out of bubble comment to save

  1. Optionally, you can insert a link to your required comment.
  2. Click on the Insert a link button. 

  1. Put in the required Link Text and Link URL.
  2. Press the Ok button. 

click on ok

  1. The link is available in blue writing. 

click on the hyperlink

Note: To view your comment, the student hovers over the bubble icon.

click on the bubble

Edit a bubble comment

  1. Click on the Bubble comment button.
  2. Make the required changes and click anywhere outside the bubble comment to save your changes. 

click outside of the bubble to save changes

Delete a bubble comment

  1. Click on the Bubble comment button.
  2. Click on the rubbish bin icon.

click on the rubbish bin

Link a bubble comment to highlighted text

  1. Highlight the required text.
  2. Click on the Bubble comment button.
  3. Select the required highlight colour.
  4. Enter the required comment.
  5. Click anywhere outside the bubble comment to save the comment. 

click outside of the bubble to save