The tool link allows you to add a short cut link to tools such as blogs, wikis, Adobe Connect and groups.

  1. Click on the plus button.
  2. Select Create Blank Page from the drop down menu.

Add menu item with blank page circled

  1. Enter the title in the Name textbox.
  2. Check the Available to Users checkbox.
  3. Click on the Submit button.

Add blank page required fields circled


  1. Enter your information in the Content textbox.

Content text box


  1. Click on the Browse My Computer button to upload a file from your computer. OR
  2. Click on the Browse Course button to link to a file you have previously uploaded to the course.

Attachments with browse my computer and browse course circled


  1. Optionally, if you do not want students to view the page content, select the No Permit Users to View this Content radio button.
  2. Optionally, if you want to track the number of students opening the page, select the Yes Track Number of Views radio button.
  3. Select Not Date Restricted radio button if you want the announcement to be displayed immediately. OR
  4. Select the Date Restricted radio button if you do not want the announcement to be displayed immediately.
    • If required, select the Display After checkbox and enter the date using the  (Date Selection Calendar) and enter the time using the  (Time Selection Menu).
    • If required, select the Display Until checkbox and enter the date using the  (Date Selection Calendar) and enter the time using the  (Time Selection Menu).
  5. Click on the Submit button.

Standard options and submit

  1. Click and drag the double arrow to the left of the Content Area to the required position.

Menu with new blank page circled