Browser not compatible with Learn.UQ
From 26 October 2015, due to incompatibilities (and a deterioration of experience) with Learn.UQ, a small subset of web browsers and their configurations will no longer be able to attempt tests within Learn.UQ.
Currently affected browsers:- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (MSIE 6.0)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (MSIE 7.0)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer - All versions with Compatibility View enabled for or Intranet sites.
Unfortunately the browser version or configuration you are using is not suitable for Learn.UQ.
A small percentage of browser versions and configurations will fail completely in critical Blackboard activities.
For example students attempting an online test will experience a complete failure in Microsoft's Internet Explorer if compatibility view is enabled.
Please use a currently supported browser or configuration which may involve:
- Switching off compatibility view if you are using Internet Explorer;
- Using (or installing) the current version of Current Google Chrome (recommended);
- Using (or installing) the current version of Mozilla Firefox.
UQ staff using Windows on a computer managed by ITS can self-install alternative browsers from the Microsoft Software Centre.
If you would like to discuss this in more detail:
- Students can contact AskUS on (07) 3346 4312 or by visiting
- Staff can contact the ITS Service Desk on (07) 336 56000, or
Thank you for your patience.
Teaching and Learning Support