Important project updates; Getting ready for Semester 2

21 May 2024

Migration from Kaltura to Echo: Important updates

Following the UQ Technology Master Plan decision to retire Kaltura, starting 3 June 2024, Kaltura will be placed in read-only mode. To embed new videos and for student video submissions, you will need to use the EchoVideo Deep Linking tool.

For further information, please email

Learn more >>

Does your course contain old, undeployed Blackboard tests?

To ensure that only the most up to date tests are copied across to the next iteration of your course and to avoid confusion caused by multiple versions, staff are encouraged to delete any old, undeployed Blackboard tests.

See the Delete a test guide >>

Order your Semester 2 site(s) now

To order your course site, click the Site request form link on the Institution Page in Learn.UQ (Blackboard) and complete the relevant online form.

See the guide >>

Microsoft Teams for teaching and learning

Starting from Semester 2, 2024, all Learn.UQ courses will gain access to Microsoft Teams. This powerful collaboration platform enables seamless communication and co-authoring among students, staff, and Course Coordinators.

See the project page >>

2024 Teaching and Learning (T&L) Week EOIs

Interested in presenting at the 2024 T&L Week? Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are now open for delivering workshops or seminars under the theme of “Future Ready,” please submit your EOI by Monday 17 June.

Find out more >>

Six tips for the end of semester

Review these tips to help your end-of-semester assessment processing go smoothly.

Read the article >>

Machine Translation guidance for course profiles

Machine translation, the automatic conversion of text from one language to another, can be a valuable support for students in certain assessments while being inappropriate for others. Updated notices on Generative AI and Machine Translation clarifies when these tools are appropriate to use. These notices are expected to be included in course profiles starting from Summer Semester.

Find out more >>

Confirm your Semester 2 learning resources

Course Coordinators should update their required and recommended readings via the course reading list (using Talis Aspire) and aim to publish their list by 27 May. Only published lists will be available to students.

Access instructions on how to publish your list through the Library’s online training guide. Short online training sessions are also available, register on StudentHub to register to attend training.

Learn more >>

What’s Working webinar & Digital Learning Community of Practice (21 May)

Don’t miss the double feature Generative AI events on 21 May. From 10-10:50am, join the What’s Working webinar, where staff will share innovative teaching practices. Then, from 11-11:45am, collaborate with peers at the Digital Learning Community of Practice. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity for networking and discussion.

Register >>

Check the history of mark changes

Grade Centre logs a record of all changes made to marks during the semester. You can view all changes and comments using the View Grade History tool, allowing you to confirm the validity and check for errors.

See the guide >>

Accessibility and study hacks – Digital Essentials module

The accessibility and study hacks module (part of the Digital Essentials series) shows students how to create accessible content; providing them with productivity tools for study and life. The module is embedded into courses to make it more accessible.

See the module >>

UQ ePortfolio system – Semester 1, 2025

Looking to support students' preferences and capabilities through designing flexible assessment tasks? Interested in linking coursework to employability development? UQ’s ePortfolio system facilitates student-driven assessment and provides a flexible rubric design. With mapping capabilities to a desired outcome framework, students can track their development over time.

Find out more >>

What's on

eLearning workshops (self-paced)

eLearning online workshops (Zoom)

View eLearning workshops and events >>

Other events and courses

View all events >>

Teaching and learning support

eLearning support

For technical support with central eLearning tools, email eLearning support

eLearning Advisers

To receive pedagogical advice from UQ's leading teaching technology experts on using our central eLearning tools, including how to select and configure learning technologies, book a Zoom consultation with an eLearning adviser.


Self-paced online workshops are available for a variety of systems and tools. eLearning advisers are available to deliver custom workshops in your school or faculty. Organise a custom workshop.

Digital assessment design support

ITaLI’s Digital Assessment team are available to assist with all aspects of assessment including task design, question writing, Generative AI, assessment security, marking and moderation efficiency, optimising the student experience, feedback, alignment with UQ’s revised Graduate Attributes and working with Inspera AssessmentBook an online consultation.

Teaching support

ITaLI staff are available to offer pedagogical advice. Please contact or book a 30-minute Zoom consultation.

Learning Designers

For faculty of school-level support, please refer to the list of Learning Designers in your area. 

