Why would I use online course content?

By embedding online course content within your Learn.UQ course, these learning resources are accessible to students throughout the semester.

What types of course content are available?

  • Learn.UQ Content Area (i.e. Learning Resources and Assessment): add content such as files, images, websites, audio and videos through the content area menu which can be organised into folders and subfolders.
  • UQ Extend: a separate platform that allows you to create interactive online content that can then be linked within your Learn.UQ course.
  • H5P: create small interactive learning objects which can be embedded within Learn.UQ and UQ Extend courses. 
  • Announcements: notify students about course events, changes, corrections, new course resources, and assignment due dates.
  • RiPPLE: a platform that allows students to create learning resources (individually or as a group) for the whole cohort to practice. 

What course content tools are available?

    Learn.UQ Content Area

    The Learning Resources Content Area is used to link to items such as lecture presentations, course notes, tutorial questions and laboratory questions. The Assessment Content Area is used to link assessment instructions, resources, marking schemas and assessment submission links.


    • Embed content directly through the Learn.UQ content menu.
    • Include a range of different types of content. 
    • Add files, images, web links, course links, YouTube and Echo360 videos


    • Interactive content must be embedded through external tools such as H5P.

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    UQ Extend

    UQ Extend is a separate platform that allows you to create interactive online content that can then be linked within your Learn.UQ course site. It also provides access to learning analytics that can inform your course design.


    • Include a range of different interactive activity types such as multiple choice, dropdown, numerical input, text input, checkbox, drag and drop, wordcloud, poll and peer instruction. 
    • Organise content within sections and subsections. 


    • Different process to upload content such as files and images, when compared to Learn.UQ (Blackboard). 

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    H5P provides an easy way to create small interactive learning objects that can be inserted into courses, providing students with engaging resources and formative assessment activities that provide immediate feedback.


    • Feedback is provided immediately to the student. 
    • Learning objects are interactive and easy to use.
    • All interactive learning objects created within H5P can be shared with others who can then edit or copy the content. 
    • Can be embedded with both Learn.UQ and UQ Extend courses
    • Results can be returned to Grade Centre when using LTI links


    • Content needs to be created separately in H5P

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    Announcements can be used to welcome students and notify them about course events, changes, corrections, new course resources and availability of feedback on marked assessment.


    • Ability to communicate with everyone enrolled in the course
    • Can choose to also send a copy via email and override Blackboard notification settings
    • Can create an announcement with date restrictions (i.e. posted after a particular date/time)


    • Announcements with date restrictions are unable to be sent via email

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    RiPPLE is a UQ developed, scientifically validated study and active learning tool. It leverages the science of learning, crowdsourcing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help you partner with your students to deliver an active, social & personalised learning experience without the large time investment. RiPPLE: 

    • Develops your students’ critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication. 
    • Enhances your students’ learning by providing numerous practice opportunities and personalised study pathways. 
    • Actively engages students in live and recorded lectures with questions and polls. 
    • Fosters a sense of belonging through peer feedback. 


    • Learnersourcing: Partnering with student to develop a repository of high-quality study material.   
    • Creation. Students can create multiple-choice questions, worked examples, hot spots, flash cards and more. These resource can include images, videos, maths, code and rich text.  
    • Evaluation. Students can evaluate each other’s work by completing a rubric and written feedback. Feedback is provided back to students and evaluators. 
    • Adaptive learning: Students are provided personalised practice sessions that extend their strengths and improve their weakness.  
    • In-class polling & quizzing:  Engage your students during live (and even recorded) sessions with a classroom response system. 
    • RiPPLE also includes assessment support, AI assistance for instructors, gamification & learning analytics and more. 


    • Students might need guidance on how to create and evaluate resources effectively. Resources are available in-platform to facilitate this. It is recommended that you dedicate time to going through this guidance. 
    • No similarity report is provided for resources that are created. 
    • Cannot be used ad-hoc without set up.

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