Blackboard Ultra Example course; Order your Semester 2 course site

24 Jun 2024

Blackboard Ultra Example course

A new Ultra Example Course is available for staff to self-enrol in (log in required), to experience Blackboard’s new look and functionality for course sites from a student perspective. For more information on the Ultra Courses Activation project, refer to the project webpage.

Access the Ultra Example Course after self-enrolling >>

Declutter your Semester 2 course site to make it more manageable

In preparation for Semester 2 use the declutter checklist with tips on how to make your course more manageable.

See the Declutter your Learn.UQ course checklist >>

Course banners

Learn.UQ (Blackboard) allows course coordinators to add a banner image to the top of each course's entry point page. Banners can be used to personalise courses, helping students quickly identify the course they are in. Staff can choose to either add a custom Adobe Stock image or generate a simple UQ branded banner.

Find out more >>

Are you intending to use Inspera for assessment in Semester 2?

If you are a course coordinator who wishes to use Inspera in your course in Semester 2, please complete the Intention to use Inspera form by Friday 28 June 2024. Completing this form enables us to plan support across ITaLI, the eLearning helpdesk, the Library, and Examinations to improve the quality of support for you and your students. Please note: while Inspera is now available for use in all UQ courses, very large class sizes (over 500 students) wishing to use Inspera for on-campus examinations require confirmation.

Complete the form >>

Project Updates

Migration from Kaltura to Echo in progress

Kaltura videos are being automatically migrated to Echo360 and re-embedded in Learn.UQ courses. During the re-embedding process, a new item with an Echo360 video is created, while the old item containing the Kaltura video is made unavailable to students. You may wish to delete the old item with the duplicate Kaltura video.

By 15 July 2024, all Kaltura videos will be available for editing and sharing from your Echo360 account. The EchoVideo Deep Linking tool will be required for embedding videos in Learn.UQ and for student video submissions. For further information, please visit the project page or contact

See the project page >>

Microsoft Teams for Teaching and Learning

In Semester 2 UQ courses will have the option to use Microsoft Teams. Throughout June and July 2024 workshops and update sessions will be available. For custom workshops, please reach out to eLearning Advisers.

See the project page >>

iThenticate - Text matching for research papers

The iThenticate text matching system for researchers is available to all UQ staff. While iThenticate uses the same underlying technology and database as Turnitin, the functionality, user experience and reports are designed to meet the needs of researchers. iThenticate allows you to quickly upload, check and examine documents using a web-based interface. Researchers can also share documents, collaborate in groups and view in-depth analytics to provide visibility of content submissions and levels of originality over time.

View iThenticate guide >>

Avilability of learning resources for students taking supplementary and deferred exams

Help students prepare for supplementary and deferred exams by ensuring learning resources and recordings remain accessible to students on course sites.

Learn more (Login required) >>

Seven tips to design your Semester 2 Learn.UQ course

Check out our Top 7 Learn.UQ course site design tips to inform your Learn.UQ course design this semester and complete the Course Readiness Checklist to make sure your course is ready for the start of semester. The Digital Teaching Minimum Standards are also a useful reference.

View the top tips >>

Have you ordered your Semester 2 course site yet?

Click on the Site request forms link located on the Institution Page in Learn.UQ (Blackboard) and complete the online form.

See the guide >>

Employability module - Digital Essentials

The Online employability course (within the Digital Essentials series) introduces students to creating a professional online presence, ePortfolio and online networking. It can be embedded into courses to provide students with timely information as required.

Learn more >>

Graduate Attribute Champions

The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) has invited academics from across UQ to inspire and lead work around the graduate attributes. The Graduate Attribute champions have demonstrated excellence in teaching and are leading initiatives to support the implementation of the attributes in curriculum, assessment and pedagogy. They are available to consult on and support graduate attribute initiatives in schools and faculties. The full list of champions is available online.

Graduate Attribute Champions List >>

What's on

Ready to Teach | 8–12 July 2024

Ready to Teach Week is packed with a variety of engaging events to enhance your teaching experience at UQ. Gain practical tips and connect with fellow teachers. Explore the program and secure your spot today

Explore the program and register >>

Ready to Tutor | 23–25 July 2024

Ready to Tutor Week is a series of sessions designed to help tutors prepare for the upcoming semester. Learn about Turnitin marking, Learn.UQ Basic, collaborative learning tools and more.

Ready to Tutor Week: learn more and register >>

eLearning workshops (self-paced)

eLearning online workshops (Zoom)

Microsoft Teams for Teaching and Learning | 25 June

View eLearning workshops and events >>

Other events and courses

View all events >>

Teaching and learning support

eLearning support

For technical support with central eLearning tools, email eLearning support

eLearning Advisers

To receive pedagogical advice from UQ's leading teaching technology experts on using our central eLearning tools, including how to select and configure learning technologies, book a Zoom consultation with an eLearning Adviser.


Self-paced online workshops are available for a variety of systems and tools. eLearning advisers are available to deliver custom workshops in your school or faculty. Organise a custom workshop.

Digital assessment design support

ITaLI’s Digital Assessment team are available to assist with all aspects of assessment including task design, question writing, Generative AI, assessment security, marking and moderation efficiency, optimising the student experience, feedback, alignment with UQ’s Graduate Attributes and working with Inspera AssessmentBook an online consultation.

Teaching support

ITaLI staff are available to offer pedagogical advice. Please contact or book a 30-minute Zoom consultation.

Learning Designers

For faculty or school-level support, please refer to the list of Learning Designers in your area. 
