Check equipment

You may use some of the following additional equipment to communicate in Zoom meetings.

  • A headset with a microphone (audio jack or USB connection).
    • If you are using a headset with a microphone, it may have a switch halfway along the cord. Check that it is not switched off.
    • If you are using a headset with a microphone that has a jack connection, ensure the jack is plugged into the correct outlet on your computer.
  • A webcam, if there isn't an existing one built into your laptop (optional).
    • If you are using an external webcam, ensure that is plugged in correctly to the USB port on your computer.

Before the meeting

  • Test your webcam and audio:
  • When testing your audio: 
    • check that the volume on your computer is not muted
    • check that the computer master volume is up at an acceptable level
    • check the microphone volume is at an acceptable level by going to Control Panel > Sound > Recording (PC) or Settings > Sound > Input (Mac).

Join the meeting

  • If you receive the Zoom message "This meeting is for authorized attendees only", the meeting may be restricted to UQ Zoom accounts only. For step-by-step instructions on joining the meeting with your UQ Zoom account, refer to the UQ ITS troubleshooting guide. 

During the meeting 

Request to speak

  • Raise your hand to speak by clicking on the Raise Hand reaction. Refer to the Raise your hand to speak guide. 
  • Turn on your microphone by clicking on the Unmute button. 

Once you have finished speaking

  • Turn off your microphone by clicking on the Mute button.
  • Lower your hand by clicking on the Lower Hand reaction. 

For more information, refer to the Raise your hand to speak guide. 

Ask a question via the chat

Further help

If you are still having trouble with Zoom, please contact AskUs.