Access the similarity report

  1. Go to the Assignment or Assessment section of your course and locate the assignment title.
  2. Click the link with the name of your assignment.

assess turntin path

  1. In the Similarity column click on the % number.

similarity report button

View the similarity report

  1. View the highlighted portions of your assignment and refer to the corresponding number in the Match Overview.
  2. Click any of the matches in the overview panel for a breakdown.

Image of overview panel

  1. Click on the all sources button (All sources) button to view all sources found which are displayed and sorted by highest percentage to lowest percentage match.

all sources button location

  1. You can download your submission by clicking on the download button  (Download) button.

download button location

Access Turnitin Feedback Studio

Note: Not all instructors who use Turnitin assignments use Turnitin Feedback Studio for their assignment marking. Confirm with your instructor how you will receive assignment feedback.

Option 1

  1. Select Assessment from the course menu and click on the name of the assessment you want to view your marks for.

access your marks

  1. Click on the number in the Grade column. Turnitin Feedback studio will open in a new window.

view your marks

Option 2

  1. Select My Grades from the course menu.
  2. Click on the title of the required assessment item in the list. 

choose your assignment

  1. The assignment inbox will open in the same tab.
  2. Click on the number in the Grade column. Turnitin Feedback studio will open in a new window.

view your marks

View feedback in Turnitin Feedback Studio

  1. Click on the Instructor feedback icon (Instructor Feedback) icon to view your instructor comments on your paper.
  2.  Click on your comments on the paper to view comment descriptors.

Note: If your instructor has made an association to your comment with a rubric, you will be able to view this at the top of the comment.

Instructor comments

  1. Additionally, your instructor may include the following forms of feedback:
  • If there is a rubric available, click on the view rubric button button to view the rubric and any associated comments.
  • If there is a voice comment available, click on the listen to voice comment button icon to listen to the comment.
  • A general comment might be listed under the Text Comment area.

button locations image

  1. You can download your GradeMark report by clicking on the download icon (Download) icon.

Viewing additional feedback

The following steps show you how to access any feedback provided outside of Turnitin Feedback Studio. 

  1. Select My Grades from the course menu.
  2. Click on the Speech Bubble icon to view the additional feedback.

Turnitin assignment with speech bubble icon circled.

  1. A popup box will appear with any written feedback and any uploaded documents.

Popup box with attached document circled.