Access your grades

From your Learn.UQ Course Site:

  1. From the Course Menu, select My Grades

Course menu with My Grades circled.

View your annotated comments, feedback and rubric

Your assignment will have a number of options for reviewing marks and feedback depending on how it has been marked. These include viewing:

  • annotated comments (via assignment link)
  • feedback, including attached documents (speech bubble icon)
  • the rubric (marking criteria).

My Grades view with the Assignment link, view rubric and speech bubble circled.

View annotated comments

  1.  Click on the Assignment Link from the My Grades screen.

On your document, there are two ways for annotated comments to be provided:

  • Highlighted text: To view the comments associated with highlighted text, left-click anywhere on the highlighted text.
  • Speech bubble: To view comments associated with a speech bubble, left-click on the speech bubble icon.

Assignment viewer with highlighted text circled and speech bubble icon.

View feedback including attached documents

  1. In My Grades, click on the speech bubble icon for the required assignment.
  2. A pop-up box will appear with any written feedback and any uploaded documents.

Popup box with attached document circled.

View your results rubric

  1. In My Grades, click on the View Rubric link for the required assignment.
  2. Click on Grid View or List View to change the rubric view.

Rubric with grid view and list view circled.

View feedback including video/audio feedback

  1. In My Grades, click on the speech bubble icon for the required assignment.
  2. A pop-up box will appear with any written feedback and attached video/audio feedback.
  3. Click on the media icon to launch any video/audio feedback in a pop-up window.

view audio and video feedback

  1. You will then be able to view the video/audio feedback using the media player. 

video feedback