2. Mark using a rubric

  1. Click on the Open rubric button.
    Open rubric button circled
  2. Check on the Show descriptions checkbox to toggle the full rubric descriptions on or off.
    Show descriptions checkbox circled along with an example of the performance description circled
  3. Select the desired performance level for the first criteria. If your rubric is setup with mark ranges, enter a mark within the range displayed (decimal marks can be used as required).
    e.g. High Distinction with a mark range between 30 and 35.
    Performance level circled for first criteria
  4. Click on the Add feedback button to open the criterion feedback textbox.
    Add feedback button circled
  5. Enter your criterion feedback into the Criterion Feedback textbox.
    Tip: The criterion feedback will save automatically as you enter it into the textbox.
    Criterion feedback textbox
  6. Click on the criteria name to collapse or expand the performance levels.
    Criteria name circled
  7. Continue entering marks until all criteria have been marked and the final mark is tallied.
    Criterion marks and Total mark circled