Why use iThenticate?

iThenticate is a text matching software tool, which is used by leading scholarly publishers and research institutions. It has been developed by the producers of Turnitin for academics and researchers who want to review their work prior to publication, to check for originality and to ensure they have cited non-original work appropriately. iThenticate will compare a submission to an extensive database of web pages and scholarly content, and produce a similarity score and report. The software is available to all UQ staff and Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates.


There are a number of attractive features of the tool for academics and researchers.

  • Upload and checking of documents via a web-based interface is quick and intuitive  
  • Unlike Turnitin, submissions are not stored in a database (view a comparison of iThenticate and Turnitin at http://www.ithenticate.com/resources/academic)
  • Individuals can delete submissions from their iThenticate account at any time
  • Analytics can provide insight into the content of work submitted over a period of time
  • iThenticate helps with carrying out due diligence
  • iThenticate can be used by research groups that need to collaborate on work

Relation to UQ Policy

By supporting the conduct of due diligence, iThenticate will help protect the reputation of our researchers and the University.

Relevant policies in this area include:

How to access iThenticate

Access iThenticate

Alternatively, staff can access iThenticate by:

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