Recommended settings and tips for H5P activity types (Ultra)
This guide includes the recommended settings for the following H5P activity types:
Course Presentation
Behavioural settings
- Uncheck the Activate Active Surface Mode checkbox to allow students to navigate the presentation themselves.
- Uncheck the Hide Summary Slide checkbox as this slide is useful in providing an overview of the activities within the course presentation.
- Leave the Override "Show Solution" button dropdown blank to enable the Show Solution button for all questions.
- Leave the Override "Retry" button dropdown blank to enable the Retry button for all questions.
- Check the Show "Show solution" button in the summary slide checkbox to allow students to launch 'Solution Mode' to review the correct answers for each question.
- Check the Show "Retry" button in the summary slide checkbox to allow students to retry all questions again for revision purposes.
- Uncheck the Enable print button checkbox to disable the print button.
Drag and Drop
Behavioural settings
- Check the Enable "Retry" checkbox to allow students to retry the activity for revision purposes.
- Check the Require user input before the solution can be viewed checkbox to ensure students attempt the activity before viewing the solution.
- Uncheck the Give one point for the whole task checkbox to allow for each item that is dragged and dropped to be individually marked.
- Check the Apply penalties checkbox to ensure any items dragged into the incorrect drop-zone are penalised. If this is not enabled, learners may match all items to all drop-zones and always receive a full score.
- Check the Enable score explanation checkbox to show students which items were correct and incorrect.
- Leave the Background opacity for draggables textbox empty as you want students to be able to view items clearly.
- Select When dragging from the Drop Zone Highlighting dropdown list to highlight the drop-zones only when an item is dragged. This makes it more obvious which drop-zones the items can be dropped into.
- Leave Spacing for Auto-Align (in px) as the default.
- Check the Enable FullScreen checkbox to allow students to optionally complete the activity in a full screen view.
- Check the Show score points checkbox to show students the points earned for each item.
- Check the Show Title checkbox to display the title within the activity window.
Interactive Book
Cover Page
- Optionally check the Enable book cover checkbox to add a cover page to your interactive book to help provide context before students begin.
- Enter a subtitle in the Cover description textbox (i.e. This activity will explore the concept of......).
- Optionally click on the + Add button to add a cover image.
- If you added a cover image, enter alternative text in the Cover image alternative text textbox to ensure students with a screen reader are able to understand the image.
Behavioural settings
- Check the Display table of contents as default checkbox to show the side navigation to students.
- Check the Display Progress Indicators checkbox to help students keep track of their progress.
- Check the Enable automatic progress checkbox to ensure any page without a task is considered complete when viewed.
- Check the Display summary checkbox as this slide is useful in providing an overview of the activities within the interactive book.
Interactive Video
Behavioural settings
- Leave the Start video at textbox blank to ensure the video starts at the beginning.
- Uncheck the Auto-play video checkbox to allow students to control when the video begins.
- Uncheck the Loop the video checkbox so the video only plays through once.
- Leave the Override "Show Solution" button dropdown blank to enable the "Show Solution" button for all questions.
- Leave the Override "Retry" button dropdown blank to enable the "Retry" button for all questions.
- Uncheck the Start with bookmarks menu open checkbox for consistency as it is not available on all platforms.
- Check the Show button for rewinding 10 seconds checkbox to allow students to revisit a section they may have missed.
- Check the Prevent skipping forward in a video checkbox to ensure students do not skip ahead and actually watch the entire video.
- Uncheck the Deactivate sound checkbox so the sound in your video can be heard.
Multiple Choice
Behavioural settings
- Check the Enable "Retry" button checkbox to allow students to retry the question for revision purposes.
- Check the Enable "Show Solution" button checkbox to allow students to view the correct answer.
- Select Automatic from the Question Type dropdown list so the question automatically appears as radio buttons or checkboxes based on the number of correct answer options.
- Uncheck the Give one point for the whole task checkbox to allow for each answer option selected to be individually marked.
- Check the Randomize answers checkbox to ensure answers appear in a random order each time.
- Check the Require answer before the solution can be viewed checkbox to ensure students attempt the question before viewing the answer.
- Uncheck the Show confirmation dialog on "Check" checkbox to avoid unnecessary pop-up notifications.
- Uncheck the Show confirmation dialog on "Retry" checkbox to avoid unnecessary pop-up notifications.
- Uncheck the Automatically check answers checkbox to allow students to change their answer before clicking on the "Check" button.
- Optionally change the percentage in the Pass percentage textbox. The percentage is set to 100 by default.
- Check the Show score points checkbox to show the points earned for each answer.
Quiz (question set)
Quiz introduction
- Optionally check the Display introduction checkbox to display an introduction to provide students with context before they begin the quiz.
- Enter a title in the Title textbox.
- Enter a description in the Introduction text textbox (i.e. This quiz will test your knowledge on....).
- Leave the the Start button text the same for consistency.
- Optionally click on the + Add button to add a Background image to the quiz introduction screen.
- Optionally click on the + Add button to add a Background image to the quiz.
- Select Dots from the Progress indicator dropdown list to provide students with another method of navigating to the next question.
- Optionally change the percentage in the Pass percentage textbox. The percentage is set to 100 by default.
- Uncheck the Disable backwards navigation checkbox to ensure students can change their answers prior to submitting.
- Optionally check the Randomize questions checkbox to ensure answers appear in a random order each time.
- Optionally enter a number in the Number of questions to be shown textbox to show a randomised batch of questions. This means that students are less likely to receive the same questions as their peers and makes it more difficult to cheat.
- Check the Display results checkbox to show the quiz results to students on completion.
- Check the Display solution button checkbox to enable the "Show Solution" button for all questions.
- Check the Display retry button checkbox to enable the "Retry" button so students can retry the quiz for revision purposes.
- Leave No results message text the same for consistency.
- Leave the Feedback heading text the same for consistency.
- Leave the Solution button label text the same for consistency.
- Leave the Retry button label text the same for consistency.
- Leave the Finish button text the same for consistency.
- Optionally check the Display video before quiz results checkbox to play a video prior to students viewing their quiz results.
- Optionally check the Enable skip video button checkbox to allow students to skip the video and review their results.
- Leave the Skip video button label text the same for consistency.
- Optionally click on the + button to upload a Passed video which will play if the student passes the quiz.
- Optionally click on the + button to upload a Fail video which will play if the student fails the quiz.
Settings for "Check", "Show solution" and "Retry"
- Check the Show "Check" buttons checkbox to allow students to check their answer before moving onto the next question.
- Leave the Override "Show Solution" button dropdown blank to enable the "Show Solution" button for all questions.
- Leave the Override "Retry" button dropdown blank to enable the "Retry" button for all questions.
- H5P Timeline content type is not maintained by the H5P core team, therefor this content type should be used at your own risk.
- To add a media resource (image, video, audio file) to the timeline, the resource first has to be hosted on an online platform (Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Wikipedia, Google Maps and SoundCloud are currently supported) and then a link to the resource is to be added.
- Adding thumbnails is not recommended, as they appear very small. If thumbnail will be used, the image width has to equal its length and a recommended resolution is 32 x 32 pixels.
- Default zoom level is set as 0. To expand the timeline select numbers greater than 0, to shrink the timeline select negative numbers.
The Chase (in-class live quiz game)
Behavioural settings
- Check the Allow navigating freely back and forth checkbox to allow students to use the arrows to navigate, rather than a Submit button which is somewhat confusing as it sends them to the next page.
Settings for "Check" and "Show Solution"
Check the Show "Check" button checkbox as this is the only way students are able to see if they got the question correct or incorrect.
The Select Disabled from the Override "Show Solution" button dropdown to hide the Show Solution button from students and go through the correct answers at the end.
Option 1: Game code (no analytics)
The instructor will go to and select The Chase from their content library. This will generate a new game code for students who can navigate to and enter the game code to join.
As students will be navigating to a URL and entering a game code to access The Chase, there is no way to identify them, therefore no student reporting data will be available.
- Ensure Public is selected in the Publish settings.
Option 2: Learn.UQ embed (analytics available)
The instructor will need to either link or embed The Chase within Learn.UQ for both themselves and students to access The Chase.
As students will be clicking on an LTI link in Learn.UQ (Blackboard) to access The Chase, their student reporting data will be available in H5P reports and in Grade Centre if linked, rather than embedded.
- Ensure Protected is selected in the Publish settings.
Anyone who needs to run the game live will need to be added as a Collaborator. If The Chase will be run with more than one group of students by different leaders, it will need to be cloned and the corresponding leaders will need to be added as Collaborators to game they will be running.
Option 1: Run through H5P (no analytics)
If The Chase is being run in through H5P (i.e. not through Learn.UQ), once the leader has been added as a Collaborator, they will see the game appear in their Shared with me section in H5P which they can simply click on to run live.
Option 2: Run through Learn.UQ (analytics available)
If The Chase is being run through Learn.UQ (i.e. linked or embedded in Learn.UQ), the leader will need to click on their corresponding linked version of The Chase in Learn.UQ to which they would have been added to as a Collaborator.
Note: It is recommended that clear naming conventions are used (e.g. The Chase - Tutorial Group 2) so there is no confusion about which link the leader or students will need to click on.