You can enrol teaching staff, administration staff and guest lecturers into your Blackboard course. Depending on the role they are assigned, users then have the ability to add content, add assessment tasks, mark student work, enter and edit marks in the Grade Centre. Students are enrolled automatically into your Blackboard course based on enrolments from SI-NET.


Instructor or Leader: This role could be appropriate for a Course Coordinator or Co-lecturer. This role has full access to edit the Blackboard course and is usually given to the teaching staff member responsible for the course. Courses can have more than one Instructor or Leader. Only Instructors have access to edit or create tests.

Teaching Assistant or Assistant: This role could be appropriate for a tutor or co-lecturer. Teaching Assistants or Assistants can do pretty much everything that the Instructor can do, except delete an instructor from a course and enrol some user types. Teaching Assistants are able to enrol other users, but only as the role "Student", however once a user is enrolled in the course, Teaching Assistants are able to change a user’s role. Teaching Assistants are also unable to edit or create tests, this access was removed to assist with final exam security.

Marker: This role could be appropriate for a tutor. Markers can access the Gradebook and add marks, but do NOT have any access to assist with the creation, management and delivery of tests. Markers are unable to make changes to content, cannot edit or create tests and do not have access to the course when it is unavailable to students.

Course Builder or Organisation Builder​: This role could be appropriate for a Learning Designer. This role is primarily designed for someone who will be uploading content. It does NOT have access to the Gradebook. Course/Organisation Builders do have access to the course while it is still unavailable to students, but do not have access to create or edit tests.