Video Guide

Create Rubric (YouTube 5m 8s)

Note: Rubrics can be created in individual assessment items (Blackboard assignments, discussion boards, blogs, journals, wikis, tests or a Grade Centre column) OR in the rubric admin page in the Control Panel.

Note: Turnitin rubrics are different to Blackboard rubrics. It is not possible to use a Blackboard rubric in a Turnitin assignment.

Access the Rubric admin page

  1. From the Control Panel select Course Tools > Rubrics.

course tool and rubric

  1. Click on the Create Rubric button.

click on create rubric

Create a Rubric

  1. Enter a name for the rubric in the Name textbox.
  2. Enter a description of the purpose of the rubric in the Description textbox.

enter name and description

  1. Select the required rubric type No Points / Points / Point Range from the Rubric Type drop down list.
  2. Click on the Add Row button for each additional row needed (criteria).
  3. Click on the Add Column button for each additional column needed (levels of achievement).

click add column

  1. To change a Level of Achievement or Criteria text click on the arrow to the right of the title.
  2. Select Edit from the drop down list.

click edit

  1. Enter the new title and click on the Save button.

click save

  1. Enter a description in the appropriate textbox for each required Criterion / Level of Achievement.

Note: Not all Criterion / Level of Achievement “cell” needs to be used.

  1. Enter the required points in the appropriate textboxes (Each criterion can have a different mark allocation).

populate rubric


populate rubric

  1. Optionally, click on the Level of Achievement button to change their order.
  2. Optionally, click on the Criteria button to change their order.

click on criteria

  1. Click on the Submit button.

click submit

Edit a Rubric

  1. From the Control Panel select Course Tools > Rubrics.

course tool and rubric

  1. Click on the down arrow next to the required rubric and select Edit from the dropdown. 

edit a rubric