To merge multiple existing courses with different modes (flexible/external), student groups (undergraduate/postgraduate) or campuses (St Lucia/Ipswich/Gatton/Herston) into a single course, you should submit a Course/Organisation Site Request Form.
Note: You must request that courses are combined every semester. Courses will NOT be automatically combined just because this was requested in previous semesters.
- Go to
- Click on the Institution page.
- Select the Site Request Forms link within Course sites section.

- Select the required option:
- Click on the Copy button if you require content from a previous version of the course to be copied in addition to the current content in the courses you want to merge.
- Click on the New or Merge only button if you do not require content to be copied from a previous version of the course at this stage of the semester (i.e. the courses you want to merge include the required content).
Note: Either option will not create a new site for you, it will just allow the sites to be merged/combined.

- Enter your course code in the Course Code textbox.
- Select the required semester of your course from the Semester dropdown list.
- Click on the Search button.

- Select the course code of your required site from the Sites Found list.

- If you selected Copy in Step 4, select the previous semester of the course that you wish to copy from the dropdown list.

- Enter the instructor’s UQ username (i.e. uqabcdef) in the UQ Username textbox.
Note: Any current enrolments from the courses to be merged will be copied across.

- Optionally, enter the UQ Username of any required staff members in the corresponding Teaching Assistants, Grader or Course Builders textboxes.
Note: Any current enrolments in the courses will also be copied across.

- For Course Enrolments, now that you have selected the first course you want to include in your merged Blackboard site, enter the full course code, campus/s of registration and starting semester of the other course offerings that you would like to have merged into the single Blackboard course site (e.g. ABCD1234 External Semester 2 2020) into the Enrolments/merged courses text box.

- Optionally, enter any other requirements in the Other Requirements textbox.
- If you require a UQ Extend course, check the Yes checkbox.
Note: Any current UQ Extend courses that are linked to the courses to be merged will be copied across.
- Click on the Submit button.

Naming conventions of merged courses
Once multiple courses have been merged into a single Blackboard course site, the naming convention will change to one of the following.
Courses with different populations:
Courses at multiple locations:
- MGTS1960S_6260GAx enrolments added to MGTS1960S_6260EXx creates the following combined course site: [MGTS1960/7979] Business Management I (Gatton and External). Semester 2, 2012
Courses with combined populations and locations:
- ENVM3504S_6260GAx, ENVM3504S_6260STx, ENVM7504S_6260EXx and ENVM7504S_6260STx enrolments all added into ENVM3504S_6260EXx creates the following combined course site:
[ENVM3504/7504] Environment, Sustainability and Ecotourism (St Lucia, Gatton and External). Semester 2, 2012