Share a Document

To share a document with a colleague you need to share the folder in which it is saved. Your HDR students can also share documents with you.

  1. Click on the relevant folder link.

select folder

  1. Click on the Sharing tab.
  2. Search for the required person using keyboard shortcut Control+F on PC or Command+F on Mac.

Sharing tab

  1. Check the Checkbox of the colleague you wish to share your document with.

Select person

Share Documents with Colleague that is not listed

Your colleague may not have set up an iThenticate account. Ask them to log into iThenticate as this will automatically create an account for them.

Duplicate Names

If your colleague has the same name as another UQ iThenticate user ask them to log a job with to have their account name updated to include their middle name or school (or another identifier)

Access a Shared Document Report

  1. Click on the person's name in the menu.
  2. Click on the required folder.
  3. Click on the report button for the relevant document.

access share document