Video Guide

Add a Course Link (YouTube, 46s)

A Course Link can be used to direct students from one content area to another within your course site, eg. from a weekly learning resource folder to an upcoming assessment folder.

Add a Course Link

  1. Click on the Build Content button.
  2. Select Course Link from the drop down menu.

Build content menu with course link circled


Course Link Information

  1. Click on the Browse button.
  2. Select the required course item from the Course list dialog box.

Course link information with the browse window shown

  1. Edit the title in the Name textbox if required.
  2. Optionally, enter further information in the Description text box.

Course link information setup

Standard Options and Submit

  1. Optionally, if you do not want students to view the course link yet, select No radio button for Permit Users to View this Content.
  2. Optionally, if you want to know how many times the course link is viewed, select the Track Number of Views radio button.
  3. Optionally, set Date and Time Restrictions:
    • If required, select the Display After checkbox and enter the date using the Date Selection Calendar and enter the time using the Time Selection Menu.
    • If required, select the Display Until checkbox and enter the date using the Date Selection Calendar and enter the time using the Time Selection Menu.
  4. Click on the Submit button.

Standard options and submit